chapter 2

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i heard banging on the door and i couldnt belive what i saw. with his spikeyish blue hair and jade red eyes,there was only one person it could be. jake.

"what do you want jake?" i asked annoyed.

"come home." he said with caring eyes.

"this IS my home."

"i thought the dwma was your home." he sounded dissappointed. and sad.

"i dont need a babysitter!im tired of sitting around doing nothing waiting for my dad to return! i came out here to be away from fucking people! so leave me the fuck ALONE!!!!!!!!!"i yelled slaming the door in his face and flying off.

i looked at the ground and remembered the family that once lived here. i remembered my mom. she was caring loving fearless and never forgot what was important to her. and neither did i. but all i ever do is nothing. i sit around and study. i wait for my dad to return and once hes home he leaves the next minute.i landed near a city and i ended up running into a witch.i knew who she econize that face anywhere. medusa.i heard her say some words i couldnt understand and then medusa bumped into me. i tried to walk away but she cast a spell on me  and i didnt have control over my we walked she talked to me about a plan she had to take over the dwma and kill death.she was using  me and i couldnt stop her. it was time i did something for once in my life. but the problem was i couldnt.

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