Lookism x SL

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"Students listen up! We have a knew student, please treat him well!"

The teachers slammed the attendance sheet down on the podium and yelled on the top off her lungs, followed by that the students flinched from the loud booming voice.

"Okay Jin-woo, please don't be bothered by these students. They are just more active in there social life."

The female teacher walked over to the sliding double doors to open it. And there in all its glory, a handsome male.

He glanced over at them, clearly the type to stay quiet in these type of situations.

He doesn't seem to be the type for friends, he seemed like a loner for some reason.

Daniel looked over at the young male, he looked as if he never had any friends before.

As Daniel watched the new student being guided about school policies he noticed something strange about him.

Daniel knew his classmates were not hunters, he knew well that they were just normal people that love fight strong rivals'.

But Sung Jin-woo seemed different, his presence was non-existent to the point he can't be sensed by him.

He watched Sung Jin-woo in the corner of the room, near the double sliding doors.

Daniel noticed that Jin-woo was staring at him, maybe it's probably because he looked the most friendly?

Sung Jin-woo then turned his head towards the board.

Listening to the teacher's lecture, the rest of the students chattering started to die down. But some would eye Jin-woo for a few minutes before being caught by the teacher.

After the lecture Zoe Park was the first one to approach Jin-woo; she tried to flirt with him but the only response she got was Jin-woo looking at her face before turning back to his textbook.

This shocked most of the boys in the class, but Zoe looked more shocked then them.

Daniel couldn't believe this, for the first time Zoe had been rejected in a conversation.

Mira tried to calm Zoe down but, Zoe wasn't deciding to act that way.

Zoe slammed both her hands down on Jin-woo's desk loudly. She hissed in pain as Jin-woo just looked at her hands.

"Look at me when I'm going to talk with you!"

Zoe yelled loudly at him, they felt the pure rage from the embarrassment she felt earlier.

Jin-woo finally lifted his head up to stare straight into Zoe's eyes.

His expression was so natural yet, emotionless. This made Daniel think about all the possibilities; what will happen to Zoe?

Daniel decided to intervene between the two.

He let out a nervous laugh and smiled in reassurance at Jin-woo.

"Sorry for what my friend caused you, she's just curious about you."

Daniel grabbed Zoe's hand and guided her to her desk and made her sit down, trying his best to comfort her.

"You should take her to the nurse's office, can't you see she's hurt?"

Daniel and the rest of the students in the classroom was shocked by his blunt answer.

"Ah, yes..."

Daniel stated out in disbelief, he couldn't believe it. Jin-woo actually noticed that Zoe was hurt yet, no one in the classroom payed attention.

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