Gryffindors Part 1

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Slytherin_princess is online
Slytherin_prince is online

Slytherin_princess: hey dray!

Slytherin_prince: hey mione:) are we still meeting after class for our date?

Slytherin_princess: of course! I got a class off so I'll be in the common room waiting

Slytherin_prince: works for me love I have to go I'll be l8 for class see you l8r

Slytherin_prince is offline
GinWeas:) is online
He's_a_keeper is online
TheChosenOne is online

Slytherin_princess: hi

He's_a_keeper: y are you talking to us? You're a Slytherin and we r gryffindors

Slytherin_princess: oh

GinWeas:): now Ronald don't b mean you don't even talk to her

He's_a_keeper: she's a bloody Slytherin and you know she is dating that ferret malfoy

Slytherin_princess: don't talk about Draco like that and he's down to earth you would know that if you were around him more

TheChosenOne: malfoy... Never in a million years would he be nice. I bet he just uses you as a person to cheat of off

Slytherin_princess: how dare you:'(

Slytherin_princess is offline

GinWeas:): that was rude you two you should be ashamed! She doesn't seem as bad as she is portrayed even if she's dating malfoy! Cya round boys.

GinWeas:) is offline
He's_a_keeper is offline
TheChosenOne is offine

Sorry this was short if you want me to continue let me know. I'm always open to new ideas!!!

Dramione chatroom(Slytherin_princess)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora