Simple Celebration

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Short chapter for jungkook's birthday!

enjoy reading everyone!


Jungkook's POV

"Happy birthday Jungkook!" I smiled before blowing the small cake infront of me,

"thank you, love" i said before giving him a tight hug, taehyung prepared a small breakfast in bed and also a cake for me. "anything for my baby" he said and kisses me on the cheecks

"where do you want to go today?" he ask while caressing my hand "hmm everywhere is fine as long i'm with you" i said before stuffing some pancake on my mouth,

"okay babe, eat there i'll just go to shower okay? go to shower too after eating all of that k?" he said and kiss me on the forehead before leaving the bedroom. I smiled to myself before grabbing my phone, i captured the small cake he gave to me and posted it on instagram.

jungkookjeon_   he prepared a small cake for my birthday so sweet! i love you 

hobi_dacutie : Happy birthday kookie!

replied to hobi_dacutie : thank you hyung!

wwhjin_92 : Happy birthday bro!

replied to wwhjin_92 : thankyouuu seokjin hyung!

okxy_jiminn : Happy birthday to my precious baby! ily!

taehyungkim_ replied to okxy_ jiminn : taehyung's precious baby*

okxy_jiminn : Haha lol! i know his yours stop being jealous!

replied to okxy_jiminn : Haha don't mind him hyung! btw thank you jiminie hyung! <333

I laughed before putting my phone away and started to finish my food here,

that guy is being jealous again!


"Jungkook-ah! let's go now!" I heard taehyung shouted from downstairs, "wait a minute babe!" i shouted back. I look at the mirror and smiled at myself, my outfit is simple but perfect

i just wear a simple brown sweater and a white button-down shirt under it, as for the pants i just wear a simple light brown trousers.

I look at myself in the mirror one last time before going downstairs,

"I'm ready!" I shouted while coming downstairs, i smiled at taehyung once i was in front of him

"let's go now?" i ask him which made him came back from his sense

"oh no no you're not going outside looking cute like that no! someone might steal you from me!" he said and hug me tigthly pretending to protect me from others.

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