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Im very bored and in the mood to write some fluff- this is bloodyteer (bloody painter x puppeteer) bc i think they're adorable and I need some wholesome in my life. 

3rd person

Helen sat at his desk, an old wooden one he got on sale for a couple dollars. It was worn down quite a bit but it worked. His sketchbook lay open in-front of him as he doodled away, drawing weird shapes and objects from around the room. The pages throughout the book were slightly torn, and dulled, filled with paintings, crippled by watercolours and scratched by pencils. A steaming cup of coffee sat next to him, giving the room a slight aroma. His black lamp was adjusted so it was looking down onto his page, his mask hung on the neck of the lamp and swung slightly due to the breeze coming through the open window. The sounds of children playing in the front lawn  3 floors down echoed through the room. The white lace curtains swaying in the autumn breeze. He rested his cold cheek on his scarred arm as he drew, the lead from the pencil smudging across the side of his hand as he scribbled on the paper. There wasn't much sound besides the distant laughter, the noise of the pencil on the crinkled paper and the occasional creaking of the old chair.

He was so caught up in his drawing and he flinched as he felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck. He felt a sense of warmth and safety as the same person rested their chin on his head. "You know there's such a thing as knocking?" His soft calming voice broke the silence of the room and it was almost like you could hear him smiling. "I know, but it's less fun, I prefer this way." The other male spoke, he moved his head down and nestled it into the crook of Helen's neck. His voice was deep and almost posh like. He had always admired the British accent and gave it to himself after reincarnation. "Yes but I was in the middle of drawing, Puppet" He whined slightly, wanting to continue his drawing. "Yes but that can wait, you can always pick up your pencil and continue another time." The Puppeteer spoke into the smaller male's neck. His heavy accent waving into Helen's ears. "Plus i'm lonely and you've been in your room all day, I want attention."

The smaller male chuckled and swivelled his chair around, coming face to face with the taller man. The Puppeteer still kept his arms wrapped around Helen's neck, he was very clingy. He pale boy chuckled slightly as he stood up, wrapping his arms around the Puppeteer and burying his face in his chest. The Puppeteer was slightly surprised about this, but brushed it off by wrapping his arms around his waist, bringing him closer and resting his head on his shoulder.

They stayed like this for a couple minutes, the distant sound of people and their quiet breathing was the only noise. The smell of fresh coffee filled the room as the stood there. Quietly. They finally broke away from the long hug and Helen made his way back to his desk, only to be stopped by Puppet, his fingers wrapped around Helen's small wrist. He stared at him longingly with puppy dog eyes. He slowly pulled him closer, wrapping his long arms around his waist again. "Puppet please, I need to get back to my drawing." He whined as a smile crept onto his face. The taller male only looked down on him, a smirk appeared on his face as he touched his nose to the other male. Locking eyes. A light blush covered the pale boy's nose and cheeks. "Puppet please" He said almost jokingly. "Not until I get a kiss." The Puppeteer said as he caressed his cheek. "Please?" He said almost like he was begging. Helen smiled and connected their lips. After a couple of seconds he broke away. "You don't need to ask anymore you know that right?" He said as he wrapped his arms around his neck. "I know, but it's always polite to." He said, kissing him again. Helen entangled his thin fingers in the Puppeteer's long, silky, black hair. The Puppeteer pulled Helen in closer, moving his hands up and down Helen's waist and back. 

The was an urgent knock at the door and the 2 boys broke away from the kiss, moving away from each other awkwardly as the door burst open. The short blonde female stood in the doorway. Her white dress fitted perfectly on her curvy complex. "Am I interrupting something?" She raised an eyebrow and questioned when she saw their awkward behaviour. "No- it's nothing.  What do you want." Helen said as he awkwardly shuffled in his place. Dina was confused by this but brushed it off. "Apparently we're all suppose to come down to the living room for some weird reason i'm unsure about. I was just told to get you." She said, leaning on the doorframe. "We'll be there in a minute." The Puppeteer replied, giving her a reassuring smile. The angel nodded and disappeared down the hallway. Helen shot the Puppeteer a grin before grabbing his mask, putting it on and following Dina's steps out the door, only to be followed by the Puppeteer, closing the door behind them. 

Theres no reason for this except my own boredom and loneliness. Ive been stuck in the house for 6 weeks due to covid and it's taking a toll on my mental health. :'D

(ill try and get the next chapter of the x reader done soon :3)


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