Act your Age

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As summer reaches its end, a teenaged Phineas is contemplating to Ferb which college or university he should go to, being the only one in their friend group who hasn't decided where he's going yet. Ferb suggests that Phineas get in the randomizer booth they'd installed in their room and let fate decide. Phineas gets into the booth, which is full of the many acceptance letters he had received from different schools around the world. However, he is not really sure about any of the choices he is given.Baljeet comes into the room and mentions that he had just been tellingBuford about what life is like in college. He tells them that he has already graduated and is now a professor, and is hoping for Buford to attend his classes; though Buford is leaning towards attending film school instead. Baljeet suggests to Phineas that maybe he would be happy going to the same school as Ferb will be attending in Britain, or perhaps going to law school likeCandace, but Phineas turns these suggestions down. He finally narrows down his choices between two colleges, Danville University and Tri-State State College.

A former intern speaks to a former agent.

At O.W.C.A., Irving, now working as an intern, notices Doofenshmirtz's inator alert going off and informs his superior, Commander Carl. Carl is surprised by this, since Doofenshmirtz had given up evil years ago, ever since he started teaching high school science. Carl decides to tell Major Monogram about the alert. Monogram, who has since retired to Bora Bora, reminisces upon hearing that Doofenshmirtz may have returned to evil, and tells his former intern to say hi to Doofenshmirtz for him. Carl then calls Perry, who is also enjoying his own retirement. After hearing that Doofenshnirtz may be active again, Agent P gets back to work.

Baljeet and Buford tell Phineas about Isabella's crush on Phineas.

In the kitchen, Phineas, Ferb, Buford and Baljeet are all making snacks for themselves. Still on the topic of colleges and universities, Baljeet tells Phineas that Isabella will be attending Tri-State State, and Phineas mentions that he had not seen Isabella all that often over the past summer. Baljeet mentions that he had always believed Phineas and Isabella would have ended up as a couple by now, but Phineas says he feels as though he is stuck in the friend zone with her. Both Baljeet and Buford are amused by this thought, since they both knew about Isabella's crush and even Ferb, though Phineas himself had no idea. Surprised by the revelation that Isabella had always had a crush on him, Phineas decides to clear his head by going for a walk. Buford and Baljeet then decide to try to get Phineas and Isabella together before she leaves.

I wanna do something fun and exciting and...also incredibly stupid.

Meanwhile, at the building formerly known as Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated(the word "evil" has since been removed from the sign), Perry arrives to visit his old grey-haired nemesis. Doof is confused to see Perry today, since it is not bowling day, but then realizes that he must have set off the inator alert. Perry gestures toward a menacing-looking machine behind him, and Doofenshmirtz assures Perry his latest inator is not evil, and that the menacing-looking machine behind them isn't even the inator. The real inator is a gold chain he had been working on, which, when activated, will help him go through a Mid-Life Crisis so he can fit in with other people his age, which he explains through song. After the inator is charged up, Doofenshmirtz's mid-life crisis begins.

At the Nosh Olé Mexican-Jewish Café, the now teenage Fireside Girls discuss the art of manipulation whenGinger attempts to persuade Baljeet to go to the movie she wants to see, rather than the one he wants to see. Isabella, who is working as a waitress there for her mom, brings the girls their order. Gretchen asks where Baljeet is, and Ginger replies he is at Phineas' house. The girls also contemplate how Phineas and Isabella are not a couple. Deciding that they should take it upon themselves to set Phineas and Isabella up with each other before she leaves for college, Adyson instructs Ginger to text Baljeet about their plan. In the living room, Baljeet receives Ginger's text, but does some manipulation of his own to make it seem like it was Ginger's idea all along.

Phineas And Ferb Act Your AgeWhere stories live. Discover now