In Days of Dust: Werebound...

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I write this now to prelude the coming of Jesus Christ

In Days of Dust: Werebound

Did questions make the laws of physics?

Or did the laws of physics make questions?

Simple really.

The answer is...


What is reality?
Reality just is.



Blackness all around, I can't see, I can't think, I cannot comprehend...

It terrified me. But what terrified me even further was the crushing insignificance. I was nothing, my life is just a blip, lost in the grander scheme.

I tried putting my hands in front of my face, to possibly get some sensation ... nothing. Was I blind? Was I dead?? No, that's impossible, it had to be!!

I began my sprint into nothingness. Where did it begin and where did it end?? I didn't know. So I ran... Until, to my right I saw an elevator. I stopped running into the darkness, thankful that the blindness was gone. I decided to investigate.

The elevator was made of glass, and the walls around the entrance were brought about by white stone marble.

I looked behind myself, expecting to look back into darkness.

Instead? I saw a grand hallway, lined with columns of magnificent brilliance. I know where I am...

I was in the Dampyric palace of malice and bloodshed.... Where rhythmic hearts lost their beat, souls turn to black, and flesh reverts back to the Dust from whence it came. I know why I'm here...

I'm here for a mission from the faction I'm associated with. The Order. I am to find, kill and destroy a fervent supporter of the Dampyric cause! I know exactly how I'm going to do it.

I am going to appeal to what humanity she has left.

Perhaps I am a fool for even thinking that was possible, the Order certainly thought so.

But this is the only way I could end the cycle of pain and death... for everyone. It's showing that peace is possible! It's showing that we CAN save the lost! Z'villah's bloodthirsty grip on the world will end. That's why that... thing. It's why that thing decided to create the Dampyr in the first place.

It was to create war and mistrust among brothers and sisters. To steal, kill and destroy. Leaving death and dust in its wake.

That's why he made this palace. To test the world.

I walked into the elevator.

I pressed the button to the top floor, I ascended.

With tears in my eyes, I gazed upon the waters of the eastern sea of Tira for what could be the last time. The province of Holia had the rough shape profile view of a lion's head bearing its fangs. And I was right at the maw of the province.

I suddenly wished I was back in that void once more, to have such beauty laid out before myself. only for it to be ripped away by the sounding, *ding-dong*... was heart wrenching....

I walked out of the elevator, I've made it to the top. To what appears to be a white rose garden. She stood on the other side, ten yards away.

"What a fitting end to my story, I've always loved roses." I plucked one of the roses, only to toss it away. I continued, "Then again, I've always loved beautiful things. Isn't that right, Valentina?" Xavier rested his eyes on his target. Even though her back was to him, her blood crimson hair, the way she stood, she was a work of art. She was his wife. It was unmistakable... She was his target.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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