pov : 2

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453 words

Charlie Spring has to be one of the cutest boys I've ever met.

I guess before I explain that statement, which barely needs elaboration if you've ever seen him, I should give you some background.

I'm Nick - Charlie is my boyfriend. We've been together for almost two years, and officially out for one and a half. Things are hard but not as hard as it would've been to come out now my brother is moving back here.
My friends are finally coping with the fact that, hey, I'm not straight, and that Charlie isn't just the weird gay nerd at the back of the class.

It's comforting. Charlie is definitely changing their opinions, and that in of itself is comforting regardless.

I love him.

And that's why he's the cutest boy in the world. And that's why we're on a date. Because I love him, and he loves me.

"Hey, Nick, you gonna eat that?"

And now I'm forced back to reality again.

We're at a cafe. It's busy; Charlie likes sitting in the public. Lately I've been helping him eat out more to gain confidence. I think it's working! Especially since he's trying to eat the food I ordered as well.

"No, you can have it if you want."

"...You sure? You've barely eaten anything!"

We literally shared an entire lunch spread.. I chuckle, and slide my plate over to his side of the padded booth.

I let Charlie choose our seats. Thankfully someone left the booth in the corner, just next to the window and Charlie literally sprinted over before I even walked through the door. That's one of the little things I love about him.

Nobody even looked as we sat down next to eachother, which is definitely something we've been worried about before. Especially Charlie. But it seems now he's less anxious then I am about what people think about us, and it's... really impressive considering how little confidence he had before his diagnosis.

Speaking of, his diagnosis hasn't been giving us the best of luck either. There is a lot of stereotype surrounding OCD, after all, and Charlie definitely doesn't go by any of that crap. He isn't a beat freak. Definitely not neat, actually. It's more intrusive thoughts than anything.
But still, my brother and many others find it fun to marginalize disorders based on fiction made by terf white cunts on 4Chan.


I'm glad Charlie is enjoying this date. God, it feels so nice to finally calm these dates. Not "hanging out", " going out with a friend", no. I'm going on a date with my boyfriend.

And he is, and I'll say it again, the cutest boy I will ever meet in my life.

pov : 2Where stories live. Discover now