Chapter 1

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Hey, guys It's Destiny. So I haven't posted anything for Clarity cause I'm a bit on writers block but I figured 'Hey, why not post for my new story' So thats exactly what I'm doing.

I know that it might sound rushed but I don't mean it too. I'm not really good at the whole writing thing but I do try haha. So I present to you THINGS WE SAID TODAY

Please let me know what you think.

Enjoy! -Des x :)

P.S. Pictures of the characters are posted :D


“Georgie, you idiot!” I yelled looking at my clothes which was currently covered in chocolate. My best friend looked at me sheepishly. Georgie Parker, also known as George or Geo was my best friend. Our parents were best friends so of course the whole we grew up together cliche, was the base of our friendship.

“I’m sorry, Ringo” Sigh, sadly Ringo was me. Chocolate covered, brown haired girl, me.  My full name is Richie Stone but everyone called me Ringo thanks to my parents and Geo. The story behind our weird names can be described in three words: Dedicated Beatles Fans. I heard a chuckle and turned around to see Gavin standing there.

“What in the world is going on here?” He said with a smirk on his lips.

“Georgie, decided it will be funny to fill up water balloons with chocolate syrup and accidentally let one slip out of her hand. Ain’t that right, Geo?” She turned a bit red.

“Awe baby” Gavin gave me a peck on the lips while I pouted. Gavin was my boyfriend. He has been for almost a year now. He started out as Georgie and I‘s other roommate but eventually we acknowledged our feelings for each other. If that makes sense.

“I love you and I know I tell you this all the time but your name is still weird.” He said.

“Gah! I know! I mean my name is Richie! I much rather be called that!” I said.

“I like Ringo. We have that whole Beatles thing going on. Georgie and Ringo. Forever the children of dedicated Beatles fans.” Geo said putting her hand on her heart. I rolled my eyes. My lovely best friend everyone!

“Let’s go out tonight!” I yelled, fist pumping.

“I can’t! I have a bunch of studying to do.” Gavin said.

“Awe. What about you Geo?” I gave her my puppy dog look.

“Ugh! Fine. I need to let loose anyway. PARRRTAAAAY!!” Gavin and I chuckled as she ran up the stairs. I shook my head and followed her. This girl was going to be the death of me. I took a quick shower and let Geo go in after me. I put on my black strapless dress and my black heels/boots. When Georgie got out the shower she put on multi colored pink dress with hot pink heels. I decided to straighten my hair and Geo went with waves. Once we were done we looked at each other.

“You look hot!” We said in unison then laughed.

“Race you down the stairs” I said.

“Challenge accepted” And then she took off running. Cheater!

“Gavin, we’re leaving” I yelled making it safely downstairs.

“Be safe Babe! I love you!” He yelled right back at me.

“DIDDO!” We went out the door. It was about a 5 minute walk to the club. Geo and I got a flat near the city on purpose.

“Ugh! I don’t want to stand on the line”

Things We Said Today {Complete} \\ z.mWhere stories live. Discover now