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The stream beside the two cats flowed gracefully, a swishing sound catching the red-pelted cat's gaze.
"Are you sure she is the one?" A strong, cofident voice erupted from underneath the birch tree that lined the territory of StarClan. A faint outline of a cream colored kit rose from the river.
"Yes," hissed the gray she-cat, fluffing up her fur. "Are you doubting me?"
"Of course not, Bluestar," cane a third mew, as a slim tom slinked through the water. 
"What are you doing here, Stormfur?" hissed Bluestar, her pelt bushing up more. Bluestar still had not shown any mercy toward her friend's son.
"Not much," Mallownose dipped his head, eyes gleaming. "Firestar," he greeted, swishing his tail respectfully at the muscular red tom. He then flicked his tail to Bluestar in turn. "Bluestar." Firestar bristled. Mallownose wasn't very popular with his Clan, but nonetheless, he had joined StarClan a few moons after The Great Battle. More and more warriors of StarClan began making their way out of trees, tails flicking with interest.
"Go away," he spat. "This is none of your business!"
"Oh but it is," he sat down. "This will impact my Clan, won't it?" The rest of the cats did not reply. Everyone of StarClan knew this was true. The silent clan was interrupted by a yowl from the deep crowd of cats alined at the stream. His voice boomed on top of all the murmuring Clanmates, making their ears flatten in deep respect. "Are there any other cats that have a special destiny, to be entwined with this cat's?" StarClan looked at eachother s if they had never seen eachother before.
"I have a request." The crowd parted to see that Sandstorm was making her way towards the two leaders. 
"Well?" coaxed Bluestar, eyes sparkling with unhidden impatience. Sandstorm dipped her head.
"I would like Ravenkit to help her throughout this journey."
Yowls of protest echoes through the cats. "He must!" she insisted.
Bluestar sighed. "Very well."

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