The Way Rain Falls

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My weak eyes attempt to regain their sight. I trace my eyes over the spots on the ceiling wall to remind them of their purpose. My brain collides with my temples, again and again, hindering my progress. "Huff," I let a breath leave my lips as I lift my back from the sheets. My untidy hair plummets on my shoulders in ebony knots. The barbed ends sharpen as they rub against my parched skin.

I shift my vision leftward. "8:27," The taxed and tired time-keeper reports. I thrust my legs off the ledge. They land with a crunch on the crispened carpet. Making my way to the kitchen, I take an extra second to notice the monstrous and molten splotch of mold that mounted itself in the corner of the ceiling, gifted to me by an unpleasant neighbor. I coil my needle-like fingers around a coffee-stained mug and indulge my craving for the burnt amber liquid.

A flicker enters my mind. It then becomes a flash. Then a bucket of electrifying panic floods my brain. I rush to grab my phone. I feel the repetitive shudder emit from it. I turn it on and meet a torrent of words whirling through the room. I fumble with the buttons of the phone, attempting to reply genuinely enough. I write back remorse-wrapped words. "I'm so sorry! Have you been there long?" I write, "What rain?" I walk to approach the window mumbling to myself, "What weather would so impose her as to cause her to say such -"

My inner monologue stops due to the twinkling of tranquil and tactical beads of luminous light encapsulating my gaze. These mighty warriors run in unobstructed and ordered lines down from the heavens beautifully and happily liberating all those who welcome them with open arms. Salvaging, anything worth protection. The God-given gift smiles and washes away the sins of the past and made room for redemption. Room for growth. Room for life. Dark and masculine, shadowy and solitary clouds cover the sky in comforting blankets, hugging the earth.

They send well-trained troops in hopes of letting fruitful happiness grow in the streets where despair was harvested. I use my strength to lift open the window. My nose squealed in delight as petrichor lovingly comfort my senses. I look down to see the honeyed rain cover the city floor with a sheet after sheet of weighty, purifying drops. New and intense joy bubbles beneath my skin.
Unbroken and bountiful bliss erupts from my person. Beams of sunshine rest happily on my shoulders illuminating those around me. I look at the clock resting on the wall. "7:50," The carefree and capable chronometer decrees. "I should be there in ten minutes," I say to myself. With every step, my nose becomes an investigator, gathering more and more of a lingering scent attempting to decipher its origin.

As I reached the double doors and my gaze lifted to witness the scenery, an anvil-like drop falls in my stomach. Sharp and jagged adversaries charge towards innocent sugar-like passers-by. Shill grey, icy, tempestuous sour rain galloped from the sky like a judgment. The droplets targeted the sun within me, extinguishing my light. Fire fumed fervently in my head as I reached for my phone and inform her of what mania she had brought me. Reluctantly, I rigidly push open the door. Fierce turquoise spikes prick and slap my cheeks impersonally and unforgivingly. They leave blistering remnants on my face.

Begrudgingly, I take a step into the disastrous storm only to be met once again with my liquid enemy in pool-like form. My sweatpants unwillingly immerse in the madness. I reach down in the luminescent and viridescent water and pull my pant legs up to shield them from any more terror. "I could wait out the rain," I think, "but she's waiting for me. I have to go." I shove my fear downwards and continue to trudge to her apartment.

I plod between the apprehensive vehicles and look at them solemnly. They look back, mimicking my pain. From here, I begin to see her apartment building. I notice an unseasonable light reaching out into the sky with an untimely grin. The untroubled nature in itself caused me to scowl. How appalling must they be to revel at a time like this? I begin to recognize the unfamiliar light with bewilderment

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