Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in Button House. Mike and Alison were watching TV, the ghosts were once again discussing what they would wear if they could change clothes and it was all surprisingly peaceful. Of course this couldn't last for long, not in that house.

"AHHHH" A scream pierced Alison's hearing, making her jump. Mike turned and frowned at her, visibly confused.

"What was that?" She asked, standing up. Mike simply shook his head at her and shrugged.

"I didn't hear anything." He told her, causing her to frown and leave the room in search of the source of the scream. Mike just sighed and leant back into the sofa, returning his attention to the screen in front of him.


Alison made it into the living room where the ghosts had paused their conversation and were staring at the front door.

"Do you guys know what that was?" She asked the group who all shook their heads at her.

"No, a hands did comes through the door though." Mary answered, pointing to the door the had all been staring at. Alison nodded at the ghosts and made her way over to the entrance, opening said door to reveal a man with his arm raised, as though to knock. He was dressed in a police uniform and had short dark hair. His brown eyes were open wide with a mix of horror and suprise. He didn't seem to realise the door had been opened and continued to stare at his raised arm.

"Can I help you sir?" Alison asked, still slightly confused. The man seemed to snap out his frozen state as his eyes snapped to Alison's.

"Uh, yes hello. My name is uhm... Sergeant Marcus Hart." He began, slightly stuttering and blinking a lot. "I-I believe... Well I believe I have been uh stabbed." He states before turning around so that Alison could see the wound in his left upper back and the blood that had run down and stained his white shirt.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed, covering her mouth with a hand. "Come in, come in." She insisted waving him into the house. The ghosts remained around the sofa in the main room as Alison guided the sergeant through to the kitchen before turning to each other.

"He looked straight at me." Pat announced. "He's definitely dead." He nodded his head as though confirming his point and looked around his fellow ghosts to see their reactions.

"Well, looking at the facts. He has a nasty stab wound, he possibly looked at Pat and when he knocked his hand went through the door. So yes I do believe the poor chap had died." The Captain agreed. The other ghosts murmured sympathetically while nodding their heads.


"Come through here I think we have a first aid box and I can call an ambulance for you." Alison reassured the sergeant as they made it to the kitchen. He nodded, still slightly in shock.

"Who are we calling an ambulance for?" Mike questioned his wife, he was sat at the table drinking a cup of tea.  Alison and the officer looked at each other, confused before turning back to Mike.

"Oh I don't know, maybe the man who's bleeding out next to me." Alison told him as though she was stating the obvious. Mike continued to look confused and her face slowly morphed into one of realisation "ohhhh... Oh no." She placed a hand on her forehead.

"There's nobody there though." Mike said, still confused. Marcus' eyebrows furrowed as he turned to Alison for answers, and Mike finally understood. "There's a new one!?" He asked, looking up at the ceiling as he always does when he's talking to the ghosts.

"What the hell is he talking about? Can I get an ambulance now please!" Marcus asked. Alison shook her head and turned to him with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Come with me, I have some friends who can explain this better than I can."


"So basically, you're dead mate, sorry." Pat summed up his speech. Marcus was staring at him as though he wasn't even there, his mind obviously working double time. The silence was interrupted by Robin's yell.

"OH OH UHH WEE WOO WEE WOO MOVING BOX!" He yelled, unsure of the correct term for the thing outside. The other ghosts, excluding Marcus gathered around the window next to him and looked outside.

"That's an ambulance and those are police cars Robin." Pat explained, pointing at the each vehicles as he said it's name. Upon hearing that the police had arrived Marcus shot up and joined the group at the window.

"That's- that's me!" He exclaimed, seeing his body on the stretcher outside. The other ghosts nodded in agreement as the sergeant tried to wrap his head around what was going on. "That's my squad... Tommy looks awful." He said, sorrowfully. He turned and walked to the door, trying to open it before realised he couldn't touch the handle and just walking through. The other ghosts looked on as the newest addition walked around the people gathered outside and tried to get their attention before he stopped Infront of his own body. His head dropped and his shoulders slumped before he stepped back to watch them.

"10 quid says he tries to follow them out of the gate." Julian declared, nudging Robin. The caveman nodded.

"You're on."


AN: loving the fact that Alison thinks she can fix a stab wound in her kitchen with a first aid kit.  Also side note, I know nothing about the police force so if any of the terminology I use is incorrect then I'm sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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