Part 1:corey's house

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Ji won's POV:

I was walking along the road with cero when he asked something weird.

Cero:can we go to corey's house?

Ji-won:why do u ask me???

Cero:i don't want u to feel lonely at ur own house.(with a hint of annoyance in his voice)

Ji-won:oh i-

Cero:i also never do my homework.

Ji-won:but u could borrow mine.u're literally the same class as i am.

Cero:but...u NeVeR....i tell u...NEVER let me copy ur homework!!!

Ji-won:finnnnnnneeeeee............(he gave up)

🌌at corey's house🌌

Chuuni pressed the doorbell.

Corey:Coming!!(when he reached the door)Hey,chuuni! Hi Ji-won!


Ji-won:hi. May we come in? The weather is really hot.

Corey:oh...sorry,come in.


🌅in Corey's house🌅

Mia:hi,Ji-won & Cero.


Emilia:I have an announcement to make.

Anthony:What is it?

Emilia:I got an invitation to learn at Poposi Academy for girls!!

Joni:Really!?!I also got invited to that academy!!!!Mia,Sophia,Emily and Alex too!!

Corey:I wanted to tell you guys earlier but everyone was so busy and I didn't want to disturb you. Now I can tell you.I got an invitation to Momosu academy for boys.

Chuuni:me too!how 'bout you,Ji-won?

Ji-won:I've applied for the school and got in.

Corey:so...we're all going?
*everyone nods*

Joni:when are we going to the school?

Mia:it says here that it's next week.

Joni:oh,ok...HUH!?!NEXT WEEK!?!

Emilia:joni! Don't shout.

Joni:but you were shouting...

Mia:how about taking a break from studying.Everyone seems bored.Let's play roblox.

Emilia:what is roblox???

Joni:how come you don't know?

Chuuni:'cause she's a bookworm...(whispers to ji-won and corey)

Emilia:you say what!?!



Mia:okay,okay...maybe you weren't there when Anthony told us about it.

Emilia:when was that?

Mia:last tuesday....i think.

Emilia:oh...well now can you show me now?


🌌after explaining🌌
《321 words》

A/n:this is the longest I ever wrote.Sorry for not updating.I have to get ready for the next school year,and it takes alot of time or maybe days.
Stay safe! Adios amigos!!^-^

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