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Smoke billowed over the burning town as people scattered left and right, trying their hardest to avoid any of the falling ash or the flames that were currently licking their way down the avenue. Screams could be heard from all across towns along with the ever present sound of sobbing and curses against deities that most people still refused to believe in. Witch hunters were dressed up in their casual wear of dark blue robes meant to symbolize power and boots so that they could trudge through the blood that now speckled the streets of Eastmaple. They plodded through the crimson streets, pausing occasionally to kick a dead body out of the way or slay a so-called witch that was trying to escape. Slowly and steadily they made their way to Ramona Harrigan's house. Ramona was the witch who started this all, the witch who made people want to kill them and watch as they burned at the stake or drowned in filthy lake water. When they made it to her shack they slammed on the door, expecting Ramona to either answer or flee out the back. What they did not expect however was to be jumped by a wolf that was too big to be merely a normal wolf.

“She made friends with a werewolf,” one of the slayers growled, his teeth bared and his eyes flashing dangerously. The others murmured in agreement with his statement, knowing that the only way a werewolf would come to a witch's aid was if they were friends or if they made a deal. The werewolf continued to stare down at the man that she had jumped and was now currently pinning down to the ground. Her fur was a rich red that could almost be mistaken for blood if it was seen under the correct light and her eyes were a menacing gray, deep and dark enough to strike fear in the souls of each and everyone of the witch hunters. Yet, they continued to try and push their way into Ramona's house. The wolf had moved so that know she was standing in front of the doorway, her muzzle lowered to the ground and a deep growl emitting from her throat. Two of the witch hunters took a step back as the rest of the group continued to force their way through. The two who had stepped back watched in awe and horror as the wolf jumped at one of the hunters and quickly brought him down to his knees. The wolf continued to work her way through the hunters making quick work of the ones who still stood with their weapons raised and feet planted firmly in the ground.

The wolf's big head swung around to stare at the remaining hunters and gave them a low, deep growl that had the survivors running for the hills. She shook her head at their incompetence before heading back inside where Ramona was curled up on the couch, trying her absolute hardest to ignore the sounds of battle that was currently raging just outside her door. The wolf padded over to where Ramona's head was laying, buried beneath a pillow and a blanket, and nosed her way past the cover to put her muzzle right in the other girl's face. Ramona sighed and reached out to lightly pet the wolf on her side, smoothing the fur down and then ruffling it back up. The wolf let out an almost inaudible whimper and pressed her fur coated face even closer to the one of the scared woman who was trying to hide from the battle outside.

Ramona pulled herself into a sitting position on the couch and glanced over at the wolf that just pulled her out of her peaceful hiding spot. The wolf jumped up onto the couch and curled into a ball right next to Ramona's hip. Ramona continued to pet the oversized wolf until the wolf had drifted off into a deep slumber, transforming back into a human as soon as she fell asleep. A couple of hours passed before the shape-shifter woke up to discover that she had moved her head from the couch to Ramona's lap during her sleep. “So, do you still agree to our deal?” the sleepy voice of the shape-shifter said.

“Of course Maria, I would never go back on my word to someone that not only helped me escape people who wanted me dead, but made them so scared I doubt they will ever return,” Ramona said, her voice earnest and thankful. “So when my first elemental child is born whatever child you have at the time that is nearest their age will be betrothed to my child. What if you are pregnant when my elemental child is born?”

“I guess that would make the child I am carrying at the time betrothed to your elemental,” Maria answered, her voice still raspy from sleep. Ramona nodded her head in consent and allowed her eyes to roam over the shape-shifter's body, taking in the tanned body and muscles that made the woman who she really was. A smile played on her lips as she remembered meeting the gorgeous woman who laid curled up next to her on the couch. She knew that forcing her first elemental kid to marry someone that they probably would not have known is cruel, but she also realized that she owed a lot more to Maria than one child could pay for. She sighed before her eyes slid shut and she fell asleep, unaware that the battle was still going on outside.

Maria woke up the next morning and pushed herself away from the couch into a standing position where she could look down at the woman. She knew that asking for their children to be betrothed was a weird request but she figured that if the kids were together than her and Ramona may be able to see each other again. She quietly slipped out of the house and wandered over to the hill that separated her from the land that she lived in, the forest. Her body moaned in protest as she made the trek to the woods while her inner animal grinned and fought for dominance over her body. Soon Maria gave in and transformed back into her wolf body; taking off at top speed and racing through the forest that she had called home for years.

Ramona woke up hours later to find an empty couch that was cold because no one had been on that side in a while. She frowned when she realized that Maria had left her in the middle of the night without so much as a goodbye, and here she thought that they were friends. Her muscles cracked as she stood up and was blinded for a few seconds by the sun shining through her windows. She whimpered in protest as her feet touched the cold wood floor as she tried to get to the fireplace that was, sadly, located on the other side of the house. She took a few slow steps before realizing that the floor wasn't as cold as she thought it would be and racing the rest of the way to the fireplace. She glanced out the window and was repulsed by the sight before her.

Blood stained the ground, trees, and buildings of the town while dead bodies laid scattered around in piles all across the sidewalks and roads. Survivors were standing around with either tears in their eyes or cocky grins in their face; the latter getting glares from the former. The sun almost seemed to be a blood red and the river that flowed through the town had turned a light pink color from the blood that had spilled into it overnight. Ramona had to bite her lip to stifle the sobs that she wanted to release at the sight of some amazing neighbors and witches laying dead on the ground outside. She knew, just by looking at the faces, that a good portion of the people that died were not even witches/wizards. Most of them did not even know about the existence of supernatural beings, much less support them. The sight of blood caked on the walls made her sick to her stomach but she refused to let a few crimson stains bring down the triumphant mood she felt at having lived what was possibly the worst supernatural massacre of its time.

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