Meeting The Competition

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Its my first day at the compound everybody but my best friend Steve rogers is on a mission. we've been friends since he came out from the ice I was born in the 1960s kidnapped by hydra in 1968 I was 7 years old I came out and it was 2011 I was 50 years old I missed my teenage years under the control of monsters doing their dirty work and steve is all I have now he's like an older brother I love him I came back and I had no family and gained steve

We are sitting watching a movie on the couch when everybody comes back steve stands up "you ready to meet your new team" I practically Jump out of my seat "can't wait is natasha going to be here too" you knew her and you were hopeful to see a friendly face within the face of strangers that knew everything about you "yes I'll be here" a familiar voice comes into the room and you turn to see natasha romanoff "nat!! Oh my god you look great I missed you so much" you haven't seen her in about a year but she hasn't changed a bit "I missed you too look at you wow you had a glow up while you were gone" you both laugh she didn't know you didn't go anywhere really you hit a rough spot shut everybody out that's why your at the compound steve wants to watch over you to make sure your ok 24/7

- you walk over to everybody else -
"hey gu-" steve is cut off by Tony
"you must be y/n" he says
"yes and you must be the great Tony stark"
"he I am" he could have just said yes but its Tony freaking stark he doesnt do anything he should do
"y/n this is wanda, clint, Sam, Bruce, vision and rhody" they all wave and shake my hand as he reels off the names like he does it on the daily
"great to meet you all it's honour to work with you all" I say clearly kiss assing
"and later you will meet bucky who is also joining the team everybody else already he met him" steve adds
"Great I can't wait" you respond
"so we are watching a movie do you guys want to join until bucky arrives" steve offers
"yeah id love too" wanda replies
"yeah why not" clint says
"hell yes movie time!" Sam answers enthusiastically

- a few hours later -
me, Sam, Steve, wanda, natasha, clint, vision and Bruce are across the sofas watching the movie and Tony is in his office doing a mission report you all barely watch the movie your laughing and joking getting to know the team when there is a knock at the door
"ill get it" steve says jumping up eagerly and going to the door

he walks back in not 5 minutes later with a man standing next to him "this is bucky my best friend since I don't know how long
"wow betrayed" you laugh
"buck this is y/n my other best friend" Steve os laughing as he introduces you
"I'm tired where's my room?" buckys reply shocked me I atleast expected a hello you got a I'm tired
"ill show you" steve says taking him to his new room
"I have a feeling I won't like him" I say when I know he can't hear us

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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