Night Rides with Dallas Winston

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Send me requests if you'd like. Btw the way the backstory is the second paragraph.

    I was about to fall right asleep when I heard a light tap on my window. It was Dally. 

    Me and Dally have been going out for a little while when he caught me doing my homework at the library while he was with Ponyboy. I had asked Ponyboy about Dally because I thought he was kind of cute. Pony had just told how he was real tuff and liked to mess around with girls. I'll admit I was a bit impressed by him sometimes. Sometimes I had liked the attention that he would give me, but then Darry would just tell him to back off. I had liked his pick up lines that he would use on me. 

When I heard the tap on my window I had immediately ran to it hoping it wouldn't wake up my grandparents. "Hey Doll, how ya been?'' Dallas had asked me. 

"Are you crazy" I said "you're gonna wake up my grandparents!" I said hoping Dallas would respect it. 

"Get dressed, I have a surprise for you!" he said excitingly.

"What is it?" I asked curiously. 

"JUST GET DRESSED DAMNIT!!!"  Dallas said angrily, but yet erratically.

I leave my window hoping that my grandparents would believe that the pillows on my bed were me sleeping safe and sound. I walk past a few houses and see a motorcycle. 

"OH MY GOSH DAL, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?"  I asked hoping that he wouldn't say that he stole it or something like that. I see a shiny motorcycle on the street sidewalk with the streetlight beaming on it.

"Relax Doll, I just borrowed it from a friend." Dally said 

"oh" I said in a low voice. "Sorry about that"

There were many things in this world that I understood, like the Pythagorean theorem and the history of Islam and Arab empires, but Dallas Winston was sure a tuff cookie to break. What would he want from an innocent girl like me? All I do is go to the Library and sometimes go to the movie house if my grandparents would let me.

Dallas hoped on the bike and told me so, before I knew we were both near the highway. I was kind of scared to be on an motorcycle because of late at night it was. I had heard of too many accidents to not be scared that something would happen. 

I grasped onto Dally trying to let my anxiety fade with it. Eventually it did.

"Where are we going?" I asked  meddingly

"It's a surprise." Dally says. I grasp onto his lower stomach feeling his abs and safety of how close we were to each other. I slightly blush when I see him smiling because of it.

Before we know it half the night is over. He drives me back to my home and kisses me on the cheek and lips. He grabs my waist and hugs me tightly. I climb back into my window and get a few hours of rest.

I wake up feeling like a had a dream that was way too real to achieve. 

I call up Buck's. "hey Buck is Dallas there?" I ask politely. 

"Yeah, sure let me get him for you." Buck says back

"Thanks." I say back to him

"What's up?" Dallas asks

"Hey, umm did we do something last night or did I just have a lucid dream?"

"yea, we went on a night ride and I dropped you off at your house so you wouldn't get in trouble." "why?" he asked 

"Nothing just part of it didn't feel real is all." I say "So can we hangout later or something?" 

"Yea sure, wanna go to the Dingo later or something?" Dallas asks

"Sure Dallas, sure" I say blushing 

So this is me (Elizabeth) writing and  just wanna say can you please vote and comment on this considering it's my first one thank you. K bye.

I love Dallas so much OMFFFGGGG

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I love Dallas so much OMFFFGGGG

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