Silent Kingdom - Book 1

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Chapter 1: The Death of Peace

The smell of pancakes fills the air as the voice of a woman calls for her husband to come downstairs and eat breakfast, the man, Randy, comes down and is greeted by his daughters.

"good morning." The daughters call out.

Randy replies with "good morning, how are you?" before sitting down. He ate and laughed with his family for a long while, until he was overcome by confusion and fear when he looked up from his plate of breakfast, his family, they were wearing gas masks, they suddenly started yelling at him drowning him in more fear. "Wake up." "Don't Die on Me." "Wake Up." He covered his ears trying to drown it out until he did what they said...he woke up, he was being dragged across dirt, his side bleeding and a pistol at his hand, everyone he saw was wearing a gas mask, just like the ones his family was wearing, just like the one he was wearing.

He was dazed and woozy, he spoke but had trouble with it, his head hurt.

"m- my fa-family, my family, wh- where are they, I was- was with them."

Suddenly he heard someone reply back to him, the man that was dragging him across the dirt over to a broken-down house, with other men wearing gas masks and desert camo patterns.

"Sit tight, were going to get you out of here, you took one hell of a shot there, a medical evac is on its way."

Randy was confused, but too tired to realize it, he kept dazing off, the man that dragged him tried to keep him awake but to no avail, he soon fell asleep again, back into that happy moment, that moment where he was with his family eating pancakes, and laughing...Atleast he died happy, maybe dying in an illusion is better than dying in reality.

"Sigma 2-1, this is Knight 2-3, our choppers were downed by chemical explosives, we got a man down, Randy Sullivan."

"Whats his status?"

"Dead...he's dead."

"Out doing another one of those contracts again?" That's what Ian "Puppet" Fraser's wife would say as she sighed and tried to hide the fear and worry in her expressions. Puppet would always retort back that they needed the money, and that they could probably send their daughter to college with it if she struggled with scholarships. "And besides this one pays a whole lot, we could probably be set with this." Is what he replied back. Contracts were missions or operations that Paramilitary Contracters (often referred to as Mercenaries, or Guns for Hire.) were paid a lot of money to do, either by a person, company, or the government. Puppet was a Paramilitary Contracter working for a Paramilitary Contracting Organization Called Black-Dagger Special Interventions Group, a highly lethal and famous PMC known for there outstanding success, it was hard to get a job working for them but he managed it.

Puppet often used money as a reason to go out on these "contracts" but deep down he knew there was something else that lured him to it. The thrill, the action, the feeling of war, he was an Army Vet and sometimes its hard to shake off that war hunger. It was common for Former Military not to be satisfied with civilian life. But this was unfair to his wife, this contract had to be his last, is what he told himself. Hoping he could keep that promise, he still was confused on why he couldn't just stay home, he loved his wife, his daughter, why couldn't he go home?

A Briefing from CIA Special Activities Division Agent Devin Adams (Chemical Conflict in Syria August 2017.)

"Listen up assholes, welcome to Syria, deadliest motherfucker in the world right now, it's full of gas, shooting, trench lines, Terrorists, and scary ass urban combat, let me give you a sitrep on this hellhole. First we have The Ronin's Army, a terrorist organization basically in control of the country right now, there goal is to gain a force strong enough to attack the U.S and its allies, then we have the Rogue Front a group of undertrained retards who call themselves rebels, there trying to dismantle Ronin's Army and restore the government, but they also don't want any help from the U.S or U.K, they belive we'll start a bigger conflict, so what do they do? Shoot at us. (See what I mean by retards.) Next, we have the Coalition between the U.S and U.K to end the conflict in Syria. Due to the firepower and influence of both the Rogue Front and Ronin's Army weve had to hire the help of PMCs (Paramilitary Companies, Guns for hire, Mercenaries.) Instead of starting a conflict bigger than it needs to be, were using PMC's and Special Ops Teams. Our goal is to find the leader of Ronin's Army and take him out before these Terrorists become a National Threat, and then we defuse the conflict in Syria. Since ill be your Director for these Operations in Syria ill give you a background on me, I was a Marine Raider before I joined up with the CIA Special Activities Division, now I work with abunch of Mercenaries and people who thought killing for money was better than killing for the flag, can't say I blame them, I'm the kind of guy that thinks "unethical" means are ok as long as it gets the job done, two wrongs don't make a right my ass, you know how many Terrorist Cells ive taken down going by that motto? Fucking Zero. Fear and intimidation are what get the job done. Ive worked all over the world, and every place was better than Syria. This place fucking sucks, and I got assigned to it, welcome to hell, Good Luck, don't screw up."

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