The First Day

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Walking through the halls at Sebupssa High School Luke drops his pencil. He was a new student and this was his first day of class. He just moved into the small town of Sebupssa from NYC. He was trying to get through his first day without drawing attention to himself, but he failed. Michael, also a senior at the highschool, shoves him into a locker. While he was picking up his pencil, Luke looks up he sees a tall blonde offering a hand. 

"Sorry he's an asshole. You're new here right? I'm Ashton, what's you're name?" The tall blonde said. Luke was startled that anyone noticed him, especially Ashton. Luke had first seen him in his homeroom and thought that he had the prettiest green eyes he had ever seen.

"I-I'm Luke, I just moved here from the city." Luke muttered, his flushed with embarassment as he scrambled to pick up his things. 
"Don't worry Michael does that to all the new kids, but he's really not bad once you get to know him." Ashton said, helping Luke with his things.


It was last period and Luke had to use the bathroom before the long bumpy bus ride back to his home on the farm. He was just getting used to his new life, back home in the city everything is so much more fast-paced. He went from a high rise apartment and taking the subway, to raising chicks and walking a mile to the nearest convienence store. It was a big change for him. He wasn't at all popular in his last school so he didn't really mind the move. It was the first time he had been on a dirt road. In his new surroundings there will be a lot of firsts to come.

Luke was in the bathroom, about to wash his hands. When he reached for the faucet he heard a soft whimper, it sounded it like crying. Luke felt really uncomfortable, he didn't know if he should say anything or not. He was pretty outgoing so he worked up enough courage say "Are you okay?" His voice cracked, and he wasn't sure if anything came out. So again he said "Hello?" There was scilence for a moment, but he heard a lock on one of the stalls open. A figure stepped out, his head was slumpped down, all you could see was his mint green hair. He had on black skinny jeans, vans, and a leather jacket with a guns and roses t-shit underneath. 
"What the fuck do you want?" The figure said wiping his eyes, it was Michael. "Are you okay?" Luke said again. Michael broke down crying. Luke patted him on the back, giving him some reasurence. While Micheal was sobbing Luke gave him a hug. At first Michael hesitant, but soon hugged Luke back. Suddenly they heard the bathroom door handle rattle. Micheal violantly pushed Luke away, but no one came in. Luke called out to Micheal, "What's wrong with you?" The two got closer, Micheal leaned into Luke and whisperd "I think I-I'm...." Luke looked at him with sympathetic eyes and said "I'm gay too."

Michael looked into his eyes and Luke could see that he was confused. Micheal knew in his heart that what he would do would probably make Luke feel like shit. But in that moment he didn't care because he was so confused himself. Micheal pushed Luke to the ground like he did earlier that day and stormed out of the bathroom. Leaving Luke on the ground feeling like an idiot.


This is my first fic, so let me know if you like it! I will publish the next part if enough people read it . It gets better trust me hahahaha

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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