Chapter 1: Postwick's Champion

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"Gloria! Would ya turn that down," you whined, yawning as you stretched. Walking into the living room towards your younger sister as she continued to watch the exhibition match between Leon, Galar's champion(also your childhood best friend) and Raihan, the dragon type gym leader from Hammerlocke. Gloria glances up at you, scowling a bit before turning the volume down on her Rotom phone and then glancing back up at the cup in your hand.
"What's that?" She asks you, pausing the feed on her phone.
"Jus' some coffee. 'S way too early to be up right now but Leon's comin' home today so I thought I'd get an early start so I could be ready to get 'im from the train station." Your voice was groggy as you sipped your hot drink. Your sister laughed,
"Y/n it's 11:30!" You nodded, almost like you didn't get her point before the door burst open. You both whip your heads around to see Hop, Gloria's best friend. You smile at him, your eyes slightly half-lidded from your tiredness. "Mornin' Hop. Excited to see Lee?" You asked, walking over and ruffling the hyperactive boy's hair. He chuckles and nods.
"Yeah! Hey Gloria, watching Lee's exhibition match?" Your little sister nods with a little smile of her own. "No time to watch the match now! I've got it recorded anyways, I record all my brother's matches! Now c'mon, we gotta get going so we can see Lee!" Hop says excitedly, bouncing on his heels making your little sister laugh. She shuts off her Rotom phone and stands up. Hop rushes out the door, too impatient to wait for her. You shake your head and sigh.
"C'mon, Mum's been out back in the garden, so I left 'er a note that we'll be out meetin' Lee. Now let's get to it, don't forget to grab your bag and your hat either, they should be in your room." You say, and your sister hums before jogging to her room and grabbing her bag and green hat. You smile at her and pat her head before grabbing your own bag and petting your mother's Munchlax before heading outside with Gloria.

Hop was impatiently waiting outside, just at the end of the path up to your house and his eyes lit up as he noticed the two of you. "Haha! Look at you Gloria, I'm surprised that old bag isn't making you fall backwards onto your behind! It's good though, it's big enough to carry anything Lee brings us, even if it's as big as a Snorlax!" Hop laughs along with your sister before turning and noticing a Wooloo repeating ramming into the gate that leads to the Slumbering Weald. You shudder at the thought of the dangerous Pokemon that could be out there. Hop tuts at the small Pokemon before speaking again. "Silly Wooloo! Don't waste your tackle on that fence. Everyone knows dangerous Pokemon live in the Slumbering Weald." You nod at Hop's remark and begin to follow the energetic boy over to his house with your sister pulling you along by your hand.

Once you reached the boys' house though, Hop's mum had told the three of you that Leon hadn't arrived home yet and that he must be at the Wedgehurst station. You nodded at this and told the two teenagers that you were going to go pick Leon up from the station, but Hop and Gloria begged you to let them come along... and you just couldn't say no so you and the kids made your way down to Wedgehurst train station to find a huge crowd of people gathered around the train station's entrance, murmuring among themselves. You groan as you try peeking over all the people's heads, noticing the door to the station opening, making the crowd cheer. You scrunch up your nose and cover your ears at the noisiness, looking over at Hop and Gloria who were jumping up and down like crazed maniacs to get Leon's attention.

"Lee! Over here!"
"Leon! Hey!" The two shouted, making Leon look over the crowd and spot the three of you with a huge smile on his face.
"Ah! My number one fans come to pick me up from the train station! How thoughtful," Leon chuckled, giving Hop and Gloria a big hug before turning to you and giving you a hug as well. Once he let you go Hop immediately began pulling Leon along back to their house. Gloria giggles at her best friend's excitement as you shake your head. She grabs your hand again and gently drags you along. She glanced up at you as she asked,
"So what do you think Leon brought us? Do you think he brought us Pokemon?" Your sister askes you, her soft voice reminded you of your guys' mother. You smile, already knowing what Leon brought for the two teenagers before nodding your head.
"Maybe," you say, trying to act nonchalant instead of giving it away that you know what it is. "Maybe if he gives you a Pokemon, he'll endorse you for the Gym Challenge." You give your sister a wink and her eyes light up. She excitedly bounces on her heels and begins to drag you a bit faster. 

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