1- Weird meeting?

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   Y/n's pov.

   It was a nice sunday, i decide to go to the grocery store to buy some food for me and my highschool roomate, Bella.

Since i am 16 i don't have a car, i have to wait 2 more years to get one. I went there by foot, when i arrived there i got a cart and went through the isles to search for what i needed. I got to the noodle isle when i felt a soft touch on my shoulder, i flinched a little.

When i turned around i saw a tall, handsome, black haired, that seemed to be older, guy. I didn't recognize him but i think he did because he smiled softly at me.

  "Hey! Im sorry if i scared you."The guy spoke.
   "No worries, it's okay, can i help you tho.?"I said.

"Well i recognize you from somewhere... oh! You go to the same highschool as me."The guy said. He looks so familiar.. but from where? I would've recognized such features.

"You probably don't know who i am, im Min Yoongi."He said.
He is a really good basketball player from our school, he is from the sports departament. I watch his live trainings, i appreciate the work he puts in his dream.

"Oh! I remembered, i watch you live training sometimes."I said trying to sound not so obsessed. He looked happy when he heard i watch him.

"I saw you on the hallway one day, thats how i know you miss..."He paused waiting for me to say my name.

"Y/n! My name is Y/n Choi, nice to meet you sir."
"Oh don't flatter me y/n im the same age as you.. probably."He didn't even know my age.

"How old are you by the way?"He asked intrigued.
"Im 16, a freshman". I responded. He widened his eyes.

"Wow, i thought you were the same age as me, im 18, almost 19, a senior."He said as if the age gap was little.
"Wow 3 years appart" i thought.

"Also,i'm sorry, i really gotta go, my mom's waiting for me at the cassier and i'm in a hurry. Give me your phone realy quick, please."Yoongi said.

   "O-oh, okay sure."I said a bit taken aback. I gave him my phone and he noted something in it, then he said:

"Well i wrote my number there, see you tomorrow at school, i hope?"He asked. What do i say??

"I got you confused a bit, well i wanted to ask if you wanted to come to my lunch table?"He really asked if i wanna join.

"I will, now go!! You will make your mom wait." I said and smiled at him.

"Have a good day Miss Choi Y/n."He said with a little smirk.


Well that was unexpected of him..

My Boy- A Min Yoongi x reader fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now