The Fence

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We took a bus into the desert,
and my feelings are now hurt,
as I thought my friend came to say goodbye
but instead she called me a name that made me cry

I can slip through the fence
I only get so far before the searchlight glare catches me
shouts ring out
a tall figure stands before me and says "go back."

There is nothing to do here
except play baseball.,
We brought few things for the kids to play with
so we make our own toys out of what we can find.

One of the highlights is going to school
which I've never really enjoyed before.
Now it's my favorite part of the day
even more than going out to play.

Why are we living behind a fence?
What did we do to deserve this?
Mommy says the government put us here,
because Japan bombed Hawaii

We're American, not Japanese
So why are we the only ones
trapped behind the fence,
I was born in America, not in Japan

I am American
so is everyone else trapped behind this fence
We became American the moment we arrived
In this supposed land of prosperity

~~Hi, first off I want thank you for reading this poem that I wrote two years ago when I was in eighth grade. Secondly, I would really appreciate any constructive criticism that you have for me. And once again thanks for reading my poem~~

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