Chapter one

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Kate Diamond was a very intelligent person from the day she was born. She was reading books meant for adults when she was just the age of nine. She was very smart but never bragged about it. She wasn't quiet but she wasn't loud. She loved to ask questions when she could, do she could learn more. She was also quite beautiful. She had long blonde hair that was the color of gold are her beautiful green eyes were like shiny gems. Men everywhere wanted to marry her, but she had a man picked out for her the day she was born like every other girl. Who this lucky man was remained a mystery to Kate however.
The month before her twentieth birthday, Kate said to her grandfather at dinner, "Grandpa, how did you meet grandmother?" He smiled at his beautiful granddaughter and said, "Hm. How did I meet grandmother? Well, like everybody else, we were set up." Kate thought about this for a minute and asked, "Who is my match?" Once again, Grandpa smiled his big warm smile and replied, "Let's take a walk in the backyard."
Once they were outside, Kate turned to her wise grandfather again and asked the sane question, "Who is the man that I will marry?"
"Kate, look at the swings we have back here." Grandpa said. "Why do we keep it if we don't use it?" Kate looked surprised and said, "Why should we throw it away? It's part of our nostalgia! You grew up with it, mum grew up with it and so did I." Grandpa looked at his intelligent granddaughter with happiness in his eyes. "We care about it and we clean it every year, because we care about it right?" Kate did not know where this was going but she continued. "Of course" "We only want what is best for you dear, so whatever man we have chosen for you, I am sure he will be wonderful."
"Of course he will." Kate said. Her long blonde hair flew in front of her face and she pushed it back behind your ear. "I am so lucky to have such a beautiful granddaughter like you, Katie." Grandpa said all of a sudden. "And I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful grandfather." Kate had always been fond of her Grandpa, in fact, she was closer to him than anyone else in her family. "So, can I meet my future spouse?" She asked. "I will set up a date." Grandfather replied.

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