Chapter 2: I Can't Catch A Break

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Fuck me that was the best and worse sex of my life. The best because I've never cum so hard in my life and damn it was fucking hot. I've been craving her. And worst because I now know how she felt when I did that to her. That part was hot but fucking intense, frustrating and infuriating. When she pins me back to the bed and I can't move. She gets off and gets dressed.

I yelled at her but she just kept ignoring me. Then I notice the guys over her shoulder, but they just stand there shocked. How much did they watch? I keep swearing, trying to get free and her attention, but it's no use and when she walks out the door leaving me naked and bound. Well let's just say I've crossed over from annoyed and frustrated to seriously pissed. 

"Don't just fucking stand there. Help me out." I snap at the guys

"I don't know. She didn't release you and I don't want to upset her. Maybe we should all just leave. Yeah that's a good Idea. Let's go." Sebastian says suppressing a laugh

"Oi you fuckers. Fucking. Get me. LOOSE!" I yell, yanking on the invisible restraints. They laugh but Blake comes back in.

"What are you doing Blake? Zander asks

"Releasing him. She used fae magic. She left him like this, probably to piss him off more, But I'm sure I heard her say that me or Caleb could release him." He answers

"Stop fucking talking about it and get your arse over here." Blake laughs but releases me while Caleb uses his magic to help clean me up and so I have fresh boxers on. 

"Seriously man, I'm well fucking jealous. That was hot. And if I thought she would be OK with it, I so would have joined in. Maybe next time. Come on. Let's get to the Arena before she kills J-Lo or someone. I think Katy mentioned meeting her there today and more and more of the sentries have been turning up." Blake says

"Yeah, I'm thinking we may need to expand it, because with the sentry now here it's becoming crowded. They never really had this sort of thing available to them until now so they're all coming." Caleb tells us. 

"Let's just get there. I don't want her there on her own too long. Did she eat this morning?" I ask them. Zander sighs and says

"No. She refused, Caleb even made that disgusting toasties sandwich she loves and she still wouldn't eat it. Took one look and gagged. We need to find something she will eat. She's also not alone otherwise we wouldn't all be here. Logan and Jake turned up during your…. Punishment? Though from where I was standing, it's a punishment I'd be more than happy to receive. I got blue balls just from watching" Everyone nods in agreement. And we make our way down the stairs. I stop In the kitchen and grab a few bottles of water as by the looks of it she didn't take any and when I figure I'll make her something to eat, just in case. I see some leftover stakes so quickly shove them together in a sandwich, as I know she likes mayo. I squirt some of that in and some lettuce. I'll eat it so it doesn't go to waste if she won't, but I'm not looking forward to it.

"What's taking so long? The others have left and what is that?" Zander says as he comes Into the kitchen and sees me wrapping it up.

"I made her a sandwich. Hopefully she will eat it… you didn't have to wait for me. I know I'm on all your shit list-"

"Yeah you are. But doesn't mean we aren't all here for you too. If you need to talk, come find one of us. We do understand why you did what you did. And keeping it bottled up and feeling the way you have been is reflecting back on her. If you get it off your chest and lighten the load, she may feel the effects too. We need her in better spirits when she goes to Declan's. I really don't want her going, he's going to keep her busy and away from Dravon and Blake as much as he can. Thank the goddess were all mated to her and have each other's abilities. Your telepathy will come in handy to keep tabs on her. But I'm dreading it and I know the others are to" He tells me full of worry. I don't fucking like it either and it's putting her further away from me. I already feel like there's a giant chasm separating us and I know that's my fault, but I don't want it getting any worse. I'm trying to build a bridge across it and this is going to make it take longer. 

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