the night

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Shea was 16 years old and just a couple of days ago living a normal life. She had many friends and a good family taking well care of her. On Friday June 30th her and her friends decided to go out for the night as they earlier finished their last day of sophomore year. They had fake ids and went all around town to different clubs. It was around 1am when a strange man appered next to her and wouldnt leave her alone. She had already had a few drinks that hit her hard. The man bought her a drink and as she was talking to her friend not paying attention to the man he slipped something into it. The man handed her the drink and she took it greatfully not knowing what he had done. 

Being young and vulnerable the man had convined Shae and her friends to go back to his place. The man knew his plan was working. When they all got back to his apartment he sat the girls down and made them another round of drinks, putting a little white tablet in Shaes. They took the drinks and slowy sipped them while watching a movie. the time came around 4:am and the girls made there way to the dorr saying goodbye to the man they had met, and started walking home. Shae arived home at 4:30 and took a cold shower before heading off to bed. She soon drifted to sleep not know what was going to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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