Chapter 1

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I had science last period at school I was dreading it as mrs Georgia's classroom was small and hot. On my way there I got pushed over by a bunch of kids and the contents of my bag went everywhere, as I was getting up i saw someone drop down next me I looked up and saw Mia my best friend "hi y/n what happened here". "a bunch of kids shoved..." buzz. My phone received a notification, I whipped my phone out and saw in was a news event I clicked on the notification and gasped when I saw what the article was. "Y/n are you ok" "New York is being attacked we need to get out of here" "what wait did you say attacked" "yes we need to go"

Me and Mia sprinted out of school and saw a massive black and blue portal open in the sky (us being massive nerds started freaking out about it) then we saw what looked like spaceships fly down and start firing on the city "duck" I screamed as a shot came extremely close to us and crashed into the building next to us. We started running dodging and swerving debris and fire we were extremely close to the subway station when a man dressed in black, gold and green dropped in front of us he stared me in the eye in a way that made me want to shiver. "Who are you" I managed to say "I am Loki of Asgard god of mischief" his voice was smooth and manipulative but soothing and peaceful "if your a god you can help us right" Mia butted in "why would I help some mere mortals" he looked at me then smirked "then again I can make exceptions what's your name girl" "y/n, y/n y/l/n" Loki smirked "well y/n you can come with me now" then I blacked out 

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