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.-. Disclaimer .-.
... I do not know much about Australia and the majority of this story will be in the setting of Australia or other places that I haven't been so don't expect every single piece of information to be accurate. I will however research a little bit to be at least a tiny bit accurate. Thank you. Now on with the story! ...


The airport. I've been at the airport for what seems like hours but in actuality it's only been about half an hour. The reason I'm at this most boring of places is I'm waiting for my brother and his three friends to arrive home from their extravagant tour with the world famous boy band One Direction. This meaning my brother is one of the members from the up and coming "Australian One Direction" as some magazines say, when really they're not they're the new 5 Seconds of Summer.

When I arrived to await the boys arrival there were already quite a lot of others also waiting for them. And by others I don't mean other family members, I mean their fans. Not just a few fans here and there, a lot of girls and some boys too, because hey a boy can love a band too it doesn't have to be just girls.

The waiting was agonizing. I hadn't seen my brother for six whole months and now I finally get to see his face in person. I checked the time on my phone again before screams and shouts erupted around. As loud as a clap of thunder that keeps going on, or multiple lions roaring at once.

I looked up from where I was sitting and I saw him. My brother. A huge smile was reaching across his face and his short, semi-curly hair bounced as he walked. Immediately after I realized I wasn't dreaming about seeing him again I jumped up and ran toward him. Probably making every person around jealous but I didn't care.

I ran into his hug and his smile grew even more and mine did too. "Ashton," I breathed out. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." He quickly replied. "So who do you think is gonna walk off the plane next?" Was he challenging me to a guessing game? He doesn't know what he's getting himself into. "I think Calum is coming next." He stated.

"Luke's is gonna come out next." I said confidently. And sure enough when the screams started again, Luke Hemmings walked toward us. I laughed in Ashton's face, stuck my tongue out at him an ran to greet Luke.

"You just won a game, didn't you." He simply said making more of a statement then a question. I nodded in reply.

"Who do think is gonna come out of the plane next? I'm going with Calum because Michael is probably still waking up." I continued the game.

"Michael's gonna be next. Calum like to personally thank the flight crew on planes." Luke played along.

Cheers exploded once again and came Calum. As soon as he saw me he dropped his luggage on the ground and opened his arms wide. Naturally, I ran into his arms. Then, he picked me up by the waist and spun me in a circle.

"And this is where Calomi starts." Calum joked. I rolled my eyes and gave him a very weak punch to his stomach.

"Ha. Ha. So funny Cal." Again rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah. Right. I forgot about Michael." Calum teased. "You two can be Maomi." He said jokingly making random hand gestures.

Then, the moment that I had been looking forward to but also completely dreading, came. Michael was waking straight toward me. His hair was light pink and he wore a sweater which had too long sleeves so they covered his hands. He also wore his usual black skinny jeans. It wasn't until this moment that I realized how much I had actually missed Michael.

"Naomi!" Michael whisper yelled as if he were in a library. I mentally laughed as I pictured Michael in a library.

"Michael!" I imitated him whisper yelling back. This time though he ran to me. His run was more of a fast walk but let's face it, when does Michael actually run? Right.

He reached me and gave me a quick hug. We both starting catching up with each other's lives and what has happened over the last six months while we walked toward the other boys. We got to them and fell into a large conversation.

"Let's get food I'm starving!" Michael announced loudly. So we did but of course we had to stop to greet some fans. Which I had no problem with what so ever. I actually enjoyed seeing the four boys talk to their adoring fans.

I am so glad that they're home it's unreal.

Thank you for reading my prologue to this story i have started. This chapter has been a long time coming and I've thought quite a lot about it. So you vote, comment, and enjoy!

-Maddie <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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