Chapter 1

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        Hugging a tight clump of trees, sunbeams shined through the forest, gleaming off the stones of freshly polished walls protecting the village being overlooked by a large castle resting atop a hill. Golden rays pour through a small arched window, waking a young man resting in a hay bed whilst the wall next to him holds a sword and shield. He swings his legs over the edge of the frame, standing with tired legs with a groan, his loose wool clothing flowing down his figure. His feet pitter against the floor as he makes his way to the closet, pulling down and immediately on a few loose pieces of armor; a steel breastplate and gauntlets, along with silver greaves. No pieces of armor were the same, but that was the least of his worries. The young warrior stepped to the sword and shield, strapping both on his back and clipping in the harness for the blade's sheath. In a two-step process, he slips a belt around his waist and hooks a book to the back of it, along with some extra dark leather pockets and potions of assorted colors. He picks up a metal helmet, rubbing off a small spot of dirt until it's gleaming, slipping the metal over his head before facing the door, pulling the large oak piece back and allowing the sun to douse him with its light, most of his armor reflecting the light in different directions.

He reaches down and pulls on heavy boots, yanking his greaves over the tall of the footwear. He looked out from behind the helmet hugging his head, getting immediately greeted by a young woman, looking hardly his age, but worn out like she'd been working all night.

"Marcello! Thank the gods you're here, we've missed you!" She announces, wrapping her arms around our knight, much to his joy, a warm smile sliding across his lips as his arms wrap delicately around the girl's waist. They kept contact for a few moments before stepping back,

"How've things kept up without me here?" Marcello asked through the sheet of metal, his voice echoing throughout the empty space in his helmet.

"Slow, tiring...about normal, though. No attacks in weeks." Due to the placement of the castle and town, both were prone to attacks, mostly from orcs and territorial elves. Marcello hadn't sworn allegiance to the town, but definitely was based there for the most part, only venturing to protect other towns or people with the promise of high reward. He'd made an agreement with the elves that cost the kingdom a small portion of their food stock, which was rocky for the first few weeks, but the townsfolk had gotten used to it and the treaty ended up better for everyone.

"So," The young woman started "Are you going to be in town much longer? A new tavern just opened up and they have great turkey, if you're hungry." her face flushed red, like she had an ulterior motive.

"I think I'm alright for today," Marcello patted his midsection, hearing the gauntlet clink against the breastplate "Have to lay off the turkey for a while." He said jokingly, he was in fine shape, but wanted to start on patrol of the village as soon as he could. As much of a traveler as he was, he had some studies to do with the town cleric, and usually needed to help some townspeople with their jobs. Nothing major, he was sure, but things that needed to be done.

"No, I..." The woman stalled for a moment. "I really think you should accompany me to the tavern. As much as I'd wish to say I wanted to buy you a meal, the king wants to speak with you." Her hands held each other at her chest as she felt Marcello's look become rigid. Not in anger, nor any feeling directed towards her.

In this town, the king was introverted, to say the least, which isn't usually a bad thing, because it means the king would do his work without bothering the entire town unless absolutely necessary, but to be not only summoned by the king, but also in a public area was definitely not an ideal call. Marcello nodded nonetheless, if it was a summon from the king he couldn't exactly deny, even-if not especially-as a protector of the village. With a nod and a goodbye, Marcello was on a trek to the new tavern, which wouldn't be hard to find with how well he knew this town. Hearing greetings called to him from all different directions, all different voices and people, they were all met with mere waves as his head spun with all the reasons that the king might have summoned him. It was scary to him, as back in the day he was known as kind of a troublemaker.

Title is being worked on please be patient oh no oh godsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant