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You and Niall have been dating for 2 years. You met while you were attending college in the UK. Your dog ran up to Niall as you were jogging in the park, and Niall carried it back to you. Niall often jokes about your dog pepper being a match maker. He always tells you how crazy it is, that a dog could helped him find his soul mate.

But lately, you and Niall have been distant, so he asked you to join the band on tour. You all had a great time, but you're glad that you made it back home. Today was one of the few days that Niall had free time. This was a great time for you and Niall to finally be alone. 

As the bus arrives at Niall's flat. Liam taps Niall's shoulder and you overhear him ask if it's okay for him to crash at his place. As you turn around to look at Liam, you catch him checking you out. You then realize that he has been eye-humping you throughout the entire tour. 

You snap out of your thoughts when Niall pecks your forehead and helps you get off the bus. He puts his arm you while dragging the luggages inside.

When you get inside, you notice Niall holding his stomach, "Hold on babe, I shouldn't have had all of those tacos." He runs upstairs to the bathroom. You shake your head laughing as you lead Liam to the guest bedroom.

"You can crash in here," you say "The bathroom's right over there. I'll be upstairs if you need anything"

He smirks as he caresses your arm, "Anything?" he says flirtatiously.

You pause and give him a look. "I'm kidding" he says with a laugh.

You chuckle out of relief and walk away. You're probably just being paranoid. 

It's pretty late, and the hectic tour schedule left everyone tired, so you all call it a night. 


The warmth of the sun wakes you up the next morning. You look over and Niall isn't beside you as usual. You notice a sticky-note on the lamp shade. It reads: Morning love, went to have breakfast with me Mum. Love you, see you later x.

You shower, get dressed, and head downstairs to make breakfast.

You reach for the pancake mix but it's pushed back further than usual. "Damn it," you swear as you jump up to try and grab it. 

You jump as you hear a voice from behind you, "What's wrong?". You turn around to see Liam wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. You jump in in surprise. "Oh hey Liam," you say, "it's nothing. I just can't reach the darn pancake mix."  
You stutter as you watch him pat his neck down to his chest with a smaller towel.

"Let me help you with that," he replies, as he comes from behind you. You slightly gasp as you feel his crotch press against you as he reaches and grabs the pancake mix so effortlessly. It honestly feels huge, and you suddenly become all too aware that the only thing separating you from Liam's warm naked body is a single white towel.

You turn around as Liam hands you the pancake mix. "Oh, um thanks," you say, somewhat distracted by his bare, still wet torso. You never really noticed how toned Liam's muscles were until now. 

"No problem, love," he says, "Anything for you." 

You both pause for a moment as you look into each other's eyes. All of a sudden, he snatches you closer to him and presses his lips against yours. He stops and stares at you then kisses you again, only longer.
He aggressively picks you up and sits you on the counter, his lips never leaving yours. You feel his hands brushing down your outer thighs as his lean waist is between your legs. You lightly try to push him away but he grabs both of your hands with both of his and pins them to the cabinet doors. After a while you rest your hands on his shoulders, just letting him take control. This feels right to you

For a few moments, the only thing that matters to you is the feel of Liam's lips on yours. As you open your eyes, you notice that picture of you and Niall on the fridge. You instantly push Liam away and hop off the counter. "Liam, stop we can't. This is so wrong. I don't know what came over me."

As you go to walk out, Liam grabs your arm. "Wait, shouldn't we talk about this?"

You nervously fidget with your hands until you hear the doorbell ring. "I should get that," you say, walking away before giving Liam time to protest.


Things between you and Liam had been awkward since your kiss. Niall came home, his usual  sweet self, with your favourite flowers and didn't even notice any awkward tension between you and Liam. He repeately told you how much he loved you and you felt guilty everytime.

You, Niall, and Liam were sitting outside eating lunch together. Niall had suggested this since it was such a beautiful day. Things are so awkward throughout the entire meal, so you offer to go and get drinks. "Do any of you guys want anything?" you ask. "Oh no, babe. Sit down, I'll go and get them," says Niall. "No seriously, it's fine," you reply, trying to avoid an awkward situation with Liam. Niall however, is persistent that you should sit down while he gets drinks, so you finally give in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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