Chapter 1 : Christopher's POV

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I looked back down from the door I'm standing in front of to the floor underneath my feet, taking a deep breath. I knew I was delaying the inevitable but yeah, I couldn't shake the feeling that this meeting would go wrong. That made me think about the last time something good happened after being called in here at this time of the night. Oh right, that had never happened before.

"Enter!" The dreaded voice roared behind the door, making me gather my mind before entering.

The night had begun well...

Making my way through the packed area to reach our table, without spilling a drop from the four beers in my hands was a challenge. My whole life was a challenge in itself. When I finally joined the guys, they were so much in a deep conversation. All of them had to lean on the table to hear what John was saying above the brouhaha of loud music, chatting and laughing that was surrounding us.

"Well, if you're not thirsty, I can keep them all for me." I said, when nobody acknowledged me.

"You wish!" Not even a second later, Ben had the glass between his arms and chest and was looking around for potential stealers. It was funny to see, like a big bodybuilder protecting a tiny, little chihuahua between his arms. That was the scene in front of us.

"Oh man, he's becoming crazy again." John deadpan, rolling his eyes at my brother's antics.

"And after he asks why he is still single." I teased, sipping my drink.

"Is that a bet?" Ben asked, "Let see who, between you and me, can conclude the first!"

"I'm betting my round on Chris!" Nate chipped in faster than the light. Nate was one of my most trusted friends. We met at school and even if we couldn't see each other as much as before, it was still good to have some night like this one, away from work and the linked responsibilities.

The night went by too fast for my liking. It had been a long time since I enjoyed myself as much. Unfortunately all the good things need to end, and before we knew it, we had to leave this place.

By the time I joined the boys at the car, their faces were speaking for them. We were going to be in trouble, there was no doubt about it. I unlocked the car and hopped in the driver seat.

"I hope it was worth it." Ben mumbled as I started the car. I had five minutes to make the ten-minute-drive. There was not a minute to waste.

Of course, the gate was closed when we arrived at the academy. And obviously, we didn't have a special authorization to enter. The only way to pass was to be allowed by the head of security.

"Good night sirs, ID and authorizations please." Martin, one of the guards asked, his eyes widening when he recognized me, while the others were inspecting the car. "And the authorizations, sir?" He glanced one more time at his watch when I shook my head at his request. There was no doubt of what was on his mind. "I regret, but I can't let you enter, I need to inform my superior."

"But, I'm your superior Martin and I give you the permission to let us in."

"I- I'm not allowed sir, I need to respect the procedure sir." He directed himself to the guard post to make the call. There was a minute of silence between the moment he composed the number and the moment he pronounced the first word. The same amount of time during which I was supposed to answer this call before it was transferred to my boss. That was the procedure, and we both knew that. Poor Martin, his overzealousness had him calling the Colonel at this time in the night.

"Sir this is the main guard post. I need your permission to open the gate. Four officers of the academy are waiting to enter without authorization." I had to admit, he was doing well. Clear and quick. That's what I taught him.

"That's the procedure, sir." He was looking in my direction. No doubt that I was the centre of the discussion.

"Yes, sir ...Yes, sir ... Night, sir." He came

"You can pass but you are requested to be in the main office in ten." The main office, the name used to speak about his office.

* * * *

"Enter!" The dreaded voice roared behind the door, making me gather my mind before entering. After a quick look at my brothers in misery, I led the way, saluted and positioned myself in front of his desk. The four of us were standing to attention, waiting for him to lift his eyes from his documents and acknowledge us. By now, I was used to his way of welcoming us when in trouble.

"May I know why, I have to answer a call from the guard post, at this hour of the night, telling me that four of my officers are waiting to be allowed in?" He stood up and was walking in front of us. The anger was clear in his eyes, and yet, for someone who didn't know him as much as I do, it could go unnoticed because of the tone of his voice. If he wasn't just in front of me like this, I could have been misled about the importance of the events. "Where were you?" He was looking me deep in the eye. I had the higher rank and was the oldest among us, therefore the person responsible.

"In the city centre, sir."

"What were you doing there?" I don't think he is aware of the concept of a private life.

"In a pub, sir."

"Who was driving?"

"I was, sir."

"Thus, it is obvious that you just go there as a driver and not to drink, right?" How was I supposed to answer that? From the distance between my mouth and his nose, it was very unlikely that he hadn't smelled my breath by now.

"I asked you a question, officer! Have you or have you not been drinking tonight?"

"I have, sir."

The moment the words left my mouth, he turned around and searched something inside his drawers. Then, slapped a document against his desk. "Do you remember this?" He was still only looking at me. Of course I knew this piece of paper, it was the rules of the academy. The same document everyone had to sign in order to effectively begin working here. Inside were listed all our rights and duties as being an officer in this academy.

"Captain," Finally he was speaking to someone else. I could have breathed a huge sigh of relief, but I didn't forget where we were. "It seems that your colleague has some difficulties remembering the article 52. Maybe you can help him." I obviously spoke too soon.

"Sir, article 52 states that "every person living inside the academy, civil or not, is forbidden to use any motor vehicle after drinking alcohol - even under the law limits. The Colonel allows the person of age to drink in their quarters and in the pub inside the academy area during their free time. Every violation of this article will lead to severe consequences at the Colonel discretion", sir"

"Thank you, Captain. You three can leave, I need to have a conversation with the Major." Of course I knew that what I did was wrong, but really? They were allowed to leave like this? He hadn't even talked to them directly! Not that I was wishing for them to be in trouble, but still! In a matter of three seconds maximum I was left alone still standing in attention.

"Do you realise the seriousness of your action? How could you be so reckless? You should know that more than anybody. You are, until further notice, removed from your Cadets' training activities. How can I trust you to teach them the right and wrong when even you, you are not setting a good exemple." Hearing his words, I began feeling a pulse in my throat and like my head was spinning. I had worked so hard to have all these responsibilities at my age. "Is that how you teach the drills to your cadets?" He interrupted my thoughts. His eyes were looking at my hands. I hadn't even realised I was clenching my fists. I immediately corrected my stance. "Go change yourself and meet me at the shooting range in ten."

"Will I-"

"Yes, you are allowed to stay the head of security, now move." 

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