The Legends Are Real?

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Bella sat in her bed, reading her favorite book Wuthering Heights. It was dark outside her bedroom window, the full moon high in the sky, being the only light shining upon the dreary town of Forks, Washington.

She felt her eyelids getting heavy and put her book back in her bedside drawer to continue reading another time. She glanced around her room, turned off her lamp and climbed under her comforter, seeking a good night's rest.

Some time later, whether it was minutes or hours; she didn't know, she heard a noise that sounded like howling outside. It sounded like it was nearby in the woods.

Being like most blondes in all the horror movies, she climbed out of bed, went to her window and opened it to take a peek. She made sure to keep her breathing as quiet as possible and looked around the wooded area behind her home.

Not spotting anything, she shut her window back and locked it, then climbed in her bed, going back to sleep.

The next morning, the rare sunshine filtered through her window, shining on her face. Bella woke up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She had the weirdest dream about her best friend, Jacob.

It was about the time they walked on First Beach together and he told her about the legends. Then all of a sudden, he turned into a gigantic wolf.

She hadn't even been afraid of the wolf in her dream. As a matter of fact, she had ran her fingers through his thick and soft fur. He had lowered himself to the ground as if to have her climb on his back. So that's exactly what she had done.

The wolf, or Jake, had taken off on a slow trot all the way to a beautiful small white house. There had been varieties of flowers surrounding the porch. A couple had walked out that she never met.

The young woman was very pretty. She had mocha toned skin, dark black hair that cascaded just below her shoulders, doe brown eyes and a heart shaped faced. From what Bella could tell, she had three scratches running down the right side of her face.

The man next to her looked to be about 6' 7. He had cropped black hair, dark brown eyes, a medium build and only wore jean shorts. She noticed he had what looked to be a tribal tattoo on his right arm.

The man's mouth was moving, but she couldn't hear anything he was saying. It was like she had been underwater for a while and someone was trying to coax her back to the shoreline.

The dream had faded to darkness and that's when she woke up. So, having made up her mind, she decided to take a trip to LaPush.

An hour. That's what it took to take a shower, get ready and cook and eat breakfast. So, grabbing her truck keys, she locked up the house and made her way to her best friends house.

Twenty minutes later, Bella sat in front of the little red house. She sat there thinking. The last time she had talked to Jake, he had been running a fever and went home. He'd been avoiding her since, though she couldn't figure out why. Unless her dream had been any indication.

She took a deep breath, gathering her courage, and stepped out of her old beast of a truck. Slowly, she walked up the path to the porch, then stood in front of the door and knocked.

Bella heard a grumble from the kitchen, probably Billy, and a few seconds later, the front door opened.

"Bella? What are you doing here?" He asked the young woman.

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