Part 1: Introductions

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Bears. I thought as I stared at the giant poster slapped on the window of the pizzeria. I hate bears. I had never been fond of them because of how their lip drooped and the way they would run. They always freaked me out, but having to work with an animatronic bear was gonna be tough. As long as it paid rent I could always push through, it wasn’t very realistic anyways. No way I was gonna let go of this opportunity after being fired several times in my previous jobs. 
The owner of the place seemed nice, we had a nice conversation about animatronics while I was getting interviewed. The conversation turned into a very decent and pleasant one which instantly gave Henry (the owner) a sense of security as he agreed to hiring me to be the ticket boy. I was an artist but I can always try and discreetly show my talent of drawing furries to the middle aged catholic man. 

I head to the back of the building where Henry told me to go when I come on my first day. Pushing the “employees only” door open and walking inside to instantly be blown by the smell of metal and oil. Which I instantly recognised to probably be the animatronic’s smell. I look up and notice a fairly large plump man standing at his desk looking at what seems to be paperwork. He turns with a raised eyebrow and looks at me. Picks up his, what i'm guessing are, his reading glasses and sets them down. “Hello there.” His greeting with his soft British accent compliments me, making me smile at the sense of calmness from his voice. Soothing my ‘first day’ anxiety and letting me walk inside the backroom and let the door close itself behind me. “Hello!”

The man was tall, probably middle aged as well and had a large body. Thankfully his soft cheeky smile and voice excused the fact that he was quite big compared to me. He puts the papers in his hands down and turns his body completely towards me “Youu’re..” He squints and tries to remember my name. I let out a soft titter and walked towards him confidently “Sean. You’re William right?” He nodded as he remembered my name and lifted his massive hand towards me for a shake “Looks like Henry has already spoiled the introduction” I chuckle and nod, lifting my hand up and shaking his in a firm way to make up the fact that I am probably 100 times weaker than he is.

“Yeah, he told me a lot about you already so I’m basically an expert.” I can’t help but be a little fanboy, I mean this was the guy who made all the animatronics. He was kind of a legend in my eyes. He lets go of my hand after a nice firm shake and puts his hand on his waist “Ah well. Looks like he ruined the fun, I won’t be able to brag about myself to you anymore.” I rub my arm and chuckle “I’m sure there’s a lot more to say. I can’t lie honestly I think you’re- I mean your- stuff….” fuck im getting nervous

He laughs in a very santa claus kind of way, and pats my shoulder roughly “Take your time kid I won’t bite” I let out a nervous snicker and correct my nervous position “Sorry I just think your animatronics are really cool, I would’ve been the kid to come the most often if I were still 10” William put his hands to his sides and walked towards a box “Well, now you’re gonna be here often anyways. I’ll help you with getting started” I follow behind and peek towards the box “sounds good..” I murmur.

He walks over to the counter and starts explaining what kind of tickets there are and how much value they are and what they can get. I listen quietly and look around at all the prize numbers, trying to memorize them in one go. After explaining everything he looks up at the clock stuck to the wall and grimaces 

“I’ll have to make the kids wait a bit, I hate getting in that sticky costume.” He commented, waiting for my reply. I look back at him and blink, then smirk “Costume?” I let out a little giggle. “You’re the mascot?” He shoots me a glare and points a finger at me “A little peep out of your mouth and I’m putting you in costume duty.” I lift up my arms and surrender, laughing softly “I would never!”

He groans and strokes the back of his neck “Ehh better now than later..” He turns and heads back into the backroom, which I follow him in curiously. He walks over to a rack filled with costumes. He picks out a bright-yellow bunny costume, and turns to put it aside. I curiously wobble closer to pick up the head. The smile on the head looked creepy but I found that pretty cool. The head stared back at me in which I could hear it demand for me to put him on. 

I plop on the bunny head and look around the room. My nostrils however instantly get shot with what smells like.. Well William. I look towards William and chuckle “This is pretty cool!” My presence seems to shock him, he turns and looks at me with the head on. He smirks and grabs the head, pulling it off mine. “Suure, wanna take over then?” I poker face and look away pretending to not have heard him, in which he replies with a chuckle. “Get pulled around and bullied by brats all day too?”

I look back at him and roll my eyes a little “I doubt I would even fit in the body suit, would probably hang to the floor..” He snorts and gives my body an up and down look. “You’d float in the damn thing.” He looked back at the head and gave the stitches attaching the ear to the head a stroke with his thumb. “Had to replace all these stitches a million times by now.”

I grin and move my hands up in a ‘grabbing’ motion “How about 1 million and 1?” He glared at me and poked my chest harshly. “Touch my suit and you’re fired.” I respond with a nervous laugh and back away “I’d feel horrible! No way I’m doing anything to the beautiful suit.” I say beautiful in an almost sarcastic manner. He turns and grumbles a little, “Don’t insult the work of a kid’s restaurant on a low budget! The things been through a lot.” He says in a sassy tone.
I wave my hand around and shake my head “Oh I’d never!” I reply, adding a soft chuckle. 

After putting on the suit we both head out of the backroom, I pat his back as he walks out and add “Have fun being bullied by kids!” He chuckles and walks out “Have fun getting toys thrown at you!” The golden bunny walks towards the crowd of kids and instantly goes into character, in which I watch from a distance. 


After a long day, William had helped me figure out how everything worked again after his beautiful rabbit act. I listened carefully, and for whatever reason I would listen. Huh. Me. Listening to people was rare. I wouldn’t really find interest in people easily but this guy, maybe it was because he was my type. I mean tall, big and honestly super nice. Only problem was that ring on his finger. I mean I was in my mid twenties he was probably in his thirties reaching his fourthies. Obviously he was married and probably had kids. 

There was no way that I could honestly be of his interest. A transgender gay punk angsty 25 year old. But I can always dream, it would be best for me to not ignore the fact that I do think he was quite handsome and sweet. But it was only attraction, nothing more nothing less.

 It was the end of the day and I started putting back stuff into my bag, stuff being my bottle of soda and lunch box. All the kids screaming had already given me a headache the second I started working so I could honestly use a fat nap once I got home. 

I walked into the backroom, which was conveniently placed right next to the ticket booth I was working at. William was busy with something so I walked past him, not wanting to distract him with something as obscene as a ‘Goodbye’, but apparently I had offended him by doing that. William grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. Christ this guy was strong, flipping me over to face him so easily made my heart jump, I slip out a gasp and looked at him. 

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow in a comedic-like disappointed look. “A simple goodbye is too hard?” I scrunch up my shoulders and grin “I was gonna but you seemed so concentrated.” He sighs and smiles “Hmhm, see you tomorrow Sean.” He lets go of my shoulder and looks back at what he was doing. I lift up the strap of my bag nicely back on my shoulder “Goodbye William..” I turn and exit the building, heading back home..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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