A Starter

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(Hadens POV)

*One morning Haden woke up to loud noises from the house next to his*

*He thought it was weird cause nobody lived there, but decided to check it out through his window*

*As he looked down to the house he saw trucks infront of it with three people moving boxes in and out.*

*One with an older woman with long smooth brown hair, another women with blondish brown hair, and a boy who looks to be his age with brown hair on the right side and blonde hair on the left*

*Haden jumped up in excitment cause he finally has neighbors his age, he wonders if the boy will go to his school*

*Haden remembers he had a group project to do with his 2 other friends, Alisha, and Wertle*

*Haden quickly gets on his Pc to see They are both in a call so he joins and they are tlaking about the group project so he joins in with them*

(Quens POV)

*I am 16 years old and I have just came into a small down called New Flicks City, NFC was a small-ish city with only two schools nearby, one called Haveleks School, and one called Tradish High, I was going to Haveleks school*

*As my mum, sister, and I were moving boxes in the house I came outside to grab one of the last boxes with my stuff as I hear noises from the other house next by*

*I turn to see a boy, with light brown hair jumping up and down while facing the window with his eyes closed*

*Maybe he was happy to have neighbors, or maybe it was something else, then it looks like the boy realised soemthign and ran to the other side of the room on hsi computer*

*I decided to ignore it, maybe it was like his birthday, or soemthign else*

*After we moved all the boxes in it was 10 AM, we had to hurry and get everything in their places cause I had to go to Haveleks School tomorrow, and I didnt wanna be late.*

*I did use to go to this school before, but I left cause one of the teachers there was shit, but she got fired after being arrested for child abuse to the students*

*After I finished up my room I turned on my double monitor PC and started to play Minecraft on it while listening to music*

*After awhile of playing I saw it was night time and it was 12 AM, but I kept playing, I wont regret being tired for school.*

(Hadens POV)

*After me and my friends got our project done I realised it was 12 AM, FUCK, I am meant to go to bed at 10 PM, I rushed over to my bed and jumped in it*

*Soon after laying in my bed unable to sleep I kept hearing faint music, I decided to check outside my window and saw it was the boy next door, he had his headphones on and was clicking his keyboard really fast*

*As I kept watching and admiring him I saw a mirror behind him, I saw in the mirror he was playing bedwars in Minecraft, I use to play that a lot but I left cause I got banned from a hacker, maybe wont hrut to try it tomorrow*

*I kept looking through the mirror and watched him playing his game and hearing his music, he probably had his volume up to high because he was wearing gaming headphones, and I could hear it from here, but I guess he likes loud music.*

*As I kept watching him while sitting on my bed I positioned my bed so if I look to my right I can watch him as he plays his games*

*Soon after awhile I fell asleep to the loud music he had on*

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