Chapter 1: Camping-

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(Two things- 1. I aged up Teresa, Lilly and Raquel to 16 so uh- yeah- and 2. IT WON'T FUCKING LET ME PUT ANOTHER LEVEL ON THE TOP THINGY SO HAVE WILLOW TREE IG-)
Top: Bakugo
Bottom: Tokoyami
TW: Swearing, Lgbtq+ (Duh-), Moans but not from Bakugo and Tokoyami-
(Wait- Why the fuck did I put top and bottom even tho they aren't dating yet?- ANYWAY-)
Tokoyami's POV:
We were on the way to the camping area as I was sitting by Bakugo on the bus. He was looking out the window as I was on my phone.
"OKAY. WHY IS SOMEONE FUCKING BLASTING ANOTHER LEVE- SCAR FACE!" Bakugo screamed to Teresa, him standing on the fucking seat.
"YOU LITTLE-" Bakugo screamed before I grabbed him and pulled him back down to sit down before Iida and/or Clover start going on their long as hell lecture.
"Unless if you want to be lectured by Iida and/or Clover, I'd suggest you'd at least sit down." I say to him, looking up from my phone.
After a good 10 minutes, I felt something touch my hand. I looked down to see Bakugo's hand on top of mine. I blushed a bit but didn't move my hand. I turned my attention back to my phone and scrolled around on Amazon looking for a birthday present for Yao-Momo for when its her birthday so I don't have to stress about her present.
I felt Bakugo flinch after 5 minutes so I look over to him realizing he put his hand on mine.
"You okay?" I asked him, turning off my phone.
"S-SHUT UP BIRD BRAIN." Bakugo said in his usual voice. I noticed his cheeks were turning a bit red but I didn't care.
"I just asked if you were good but okay then." I said, sighing.
After 20 minutes of awkward but somewhat comfortable silence between us two and Teresa blasting Tech N9ne and such, Kami and Kira making out on the fucking bus and Iida screeching at them and the bakusquad -Candiy, Bakugo and Teresa and Kaminari being idiots, we finally arrive.
"FINALLY- AFTER A FUCKING HOUR-" Teresa yelled, having Willow Tree playing. At least its actually calming-
"Okay. Teresa, pause that and I have some stuff to say." Aizawa sensei told all of us.
After we all gathered up and grabbed our crap, Aizawa went over the rules.
"Okay. Rule one, Don't use your quirks besides Yao Momo. The only time you are allowed to use them is if there is a villain attack. Two, don't attack each other. Looking at Tokoyami and Makayla. And Teresa and Candiy. And Bakugo and Midoriya. Three, Don't burn down anything. Four, Don't do dumb shit. Looking at the Bakusquad -Candiy and Bakugo. Five, dont be awake past 6am. That is for the Insomniacs. Okay thats all. Mic will tell you who are you sharing tents with." Aizawa sensei said.
"WAIT- WE HAVE TO SHARE TENTS!?" Almost the entire class screeched.
"Yes. Deal with it."
"AYYY-" Present Mic said, screaming.
"My fucking ears." Caroline said, covering her ears.
I looked over at the two and they flinched and turned red. I sighed, waiting for who the heck im with.
"BAKUGO WITH TOKOYAMI!" Mic screeched.
I almost immediately flinched and turned red and so did Bakugo.
"WHAT!?" We both screamed at the top of our lungs as the shipping squad was dying.
"TERESA AND LILLY!" Mic screeched.
Me and Bakugo started laughing our asses off as Teresa froze and turned red.
After that whole thing, me and Bakugo dragged our things to the tent and I plopped on the air mattress they gave us.
After a good 5 minutes of getting used to the tent, I pulled out my nintendo.
"Wanna play Animal Crossing?" I asked Bakugo, getting loaded into ACNH.
"Why the fuck not." Bakugo said, pulling out his Nintendo.
We both played animal crossing for a hour or two and visiting each other's islands.
I didn't realize that I was laying on Bakugo's thigh until like- 5 minutes later. I felt myself turn a deep red and tense up a bit.
"You good Bir-" Bakugo asks before he flinched and turned red.
"W-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN!?" Bakugo asks, leaping off the bed.
"Understandable I fucking guess. BUT PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING." Bakugo yelled at me.
"Guys. Quit the annoying ass yelling and help us cook." Candiy said, appearing out of no where. How the hell does she even- anyway,
"Okay." We both said, startled.
After making food for dinner and eating, we head back to the tent.
"Oh yeah. Have the lights off before 10pm but y'all need to be sleep by 6." Aizawa sensei said. I looked at the time. 9:30pm. Dang, time flew by. I headed back to the tents and opened my backpack to grab my pajamas. Bakugo wasn't back yet and if I get changed fast enough, I can just change in here.
I quickly got changed and he showed up as soon as I was putting away my day clothes.
''Oh. Hey Bakugo." I said to him as he flopped on the bed.
I looked at the time again and it was 9:43. Time really needs to stop running as fast as Iida can.
I lay on the bed as Bakugo is about to turn off the light. I'm still kind of scared of losing control of Dark Shadow again so I started feeling nervous. I'm pretty sure the look on my face shows it as well.
"You good, bird brain?" Bakugo asked me.
"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just scared about losing control of dark shadow again. I don't wanna hurt anyone badly." I told him, sighing.
"You'll be fine." He said to me.
"How do you know." I asked.
"You know what. Fuck it, nevermind." I told him after a couple seconds of silence.
"I'll probably be fine." I say, sounding normal but still scared.
Bakugo turns off the lights and lays in bed. After a little bit, I felt something grab me and pull me closer to them. I look up and Bakugo was looking away from me but holding onto me. I tensed up a bit but relaxed after a minute of getting used to it. I lied my head on his chest and fell asleep.
Bakugo's POV:
As soon as Bird Brain fell asleep, I started gently stroking his feathers. I have a huge crush on him, do I. He's just.. I want him to be mine.. I guess.
"A-Agh! Kira!~" I heard someone moan. Who the fuck is fucking at 10pm. I wanted to get up but Bird Brain is on me and I really don't wanna wake him up. Especially since he barely knows what sleep is anymore.
I sighed and continued to gently stroke his feathers.
"KAMILLA AND KIRA, QUIT FUCKING." I heard like, 70% of the class screech. Im pretty sure me and Bird Brain are one of the only people that didn't screech it. Why the fuck isn't ritual girl not doin anything about it. It is her girlfriends.
"What was that..?" Bird Brain asked softly and tiredly. I felt my cheeks turn red.
"Nothing. Just your sisters girlfriends fucking at 10pm and the class screeching at them. I'll close the tent real quick." I told Bird Brain, getting up. Im glad we got the tall tents but its a fucking pain to close it up. After 20 seconds of me closing it, I got back on the bed and Bird Brain was out. I smiled and grabbed my blanket. I wrapped it around the both of us and I passed out, holding onto Tokoyami.
Aizawa's POV rq:
I went to go check on all of the problem children besides Kira and Kami since now we all know what they are doing. I quietly opened up Bakugo and Tokoyami's tent door just in case if they are sleeping and I see them cuddling. I immediately wip out my phone and take a quick picture, flash not on and sent it to a gc im in with the "shippers" group.
Shippers GC:
Aizawa: Bakuyami.jpeg (No its not a pic unfortunately-)
Kaminari: YASSSSS-
Aizawa: Okay. Go to sleep.
-End of GC-
Bakugo's POV:
-The next morning-
I woke up to Bird Brain playing on his nintendo and me smelling burnt shit.
"Ew. What the hell is that smell." Me and Bird Brain said almost at the same time.
We get up to find the source of the smell. Glass girl "cooking". Shit.
"SIS- WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT COOKING!?-" I heard glass boy yell.
"IM OLDER THEN YOU SO SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE." Glass Girl yelled back.
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP." I yelled in my usual voice.
"Kacchan! Be nice!" Deku told me.
"SHUT UP DEKU." I yelled.
"Uhm.. Lets just go back into the tent." Bird Brain said, dragging me back into the tent.
After that, I grabbed my phone and played roblox. Bird Brain eventually joined me and we were now both raging in Tower Of Hell.
"FUCK.'' I screeched as I threw my phone to the end of the mattress, it falling off.
"Your friend- Shit. Get the ear plugs." Bird Brain said, looking over at me, pissed more likely because of Toh.
"Why- Oh. Shit. I'll warn everyone that Scar face and- WAIT- WHY IS FUCKING DEKU AND VINE GIRL ON!?" I yelled becoming even more pissed.
"Its Lillith, Bakugo." Vine girl said, sticking her head through the door as me and Bird Brain jumped and screamed.
"LILLY. DON'T FUCKING DO THAT-" Bird Brain yelled at the blue headed annoying girl.
"But the bus is gonna be here in a hour or 2 so I'd start packing." Vine girl said, lookin pissed.
"You good?" Bird Brain asked.
"I'm just not in a good fucking mood." Vine girl said, getting out of the tent.
As soon as she left, I started packing up my shit and Bird Brain did the same. Once we were done, the bus arrived and me and Bird Brain darted to the back of the bus. I made sure that the shipping squad wasn't anywhere near us and they were in the front so we were safe in case if we do anything stupid. After 20 minutes of a long bus ride, I could tell that everyone else was out besides ponytail.
I glanced over to Bird Brain, sleeping on my shoulder. I turned a bit red but I lied my head on his. I'm so fucking gay- anyway, I carefully pulled him closer to me and I put my hand on top of his. I eventually fell asleep, being gay as hell but I love it. And I love Tokoyami.
HOW DID I MANAGE TO GET THIS DONE IN ONLY TWO DAYS- But like, 3/4's of this chapter, I made at 4am on a school night so yeah- this is all gonna just be a story so yeah- See yall!
Word Count including A/N: 1922

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