Chapter 1

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"Please Iori??"

"No. It's better if you stay in the greenroom and rest Nanase san."

"But its boring! Besides I have a good reason to come."

"And what, pray tell, is this good reason?"

"I need more candid pictures for your photo album."

"All the more reason for me to decline."

"But Iori~"

"I seriously don't understand how that was supposed to make me change my mind."

"But everyone else lets me take pictures of them~!"

"Well I'm not everyone else."

"That's why I want MORE pictures of you! You're my boyfriend after all! I can't have just blushing pictures and magazine shots of my own boyfriend! Let me get pictures of the good stuff!!"

"Stop saying 'boyfriend'! We're in public! What if someone hears you!?" 

Iori stopped and turned to cover Riku's mouth with his hand, stopping him from possibly exposing them, while hissing under his breath "And what do you mean good stuff!?" with a blush creeping up his neck and cheeks.

Riku looked at him with a pout still drawn on his face and started prying Iori's hand off his mouth before whining "No one is here anyway. Pleeeeeease Iori?", grabbing both of Iori's hands in his.

Iori looked helpless and tried to think of a way to convince Riku to rest in the greenroom till he finishes his photoshoot so that they could go to their next job together.

Luckily he was saved by the arrival of 2/3rds of Trigger.

"Yo Nanase, Izumi otouto."

"Hello Riku kun, Iori kun."

Both Riku and Iori turned to face the two idols replying with greetings of their own.

"Is Trigger working here today?" "Where's Tenn nii?"

"Yeah, but we have about an hour left before they call us. And Tenn is in the greenroom Nanase."

"Do the two of you have a shoot here too?"

"I have a commercial shoot soon. Nanase san is free though. He'll be waiting for me in the greenroom."

This elicited another whine from the red head which caught Gaku and Ryuu's attention.

"I'm guessing Riku kun is against this?" Ryuu asked chuckling when Riku immediately nodded still pouting. Iori was looking anywhere but at Riku knowing he wouldn't be able to hold out too long if he faced him.

"I want to take pictures of Iori before they start shooting but he won't let me come along. And its boring to wait in the greenroom alone~!"

Ryuu gave an awkward laugh looking at Iori who was still looking away, determined to not give into his boyfriend's demands.

Gaku hid a cheeky smirk, schooling his face before saying "Well if Izumi otouto says no to the pictures you can't really force him Nanase. If you're bored why don't you come wait with us? You can meet Tenn too if you come."

Riku looked at Iori with one final pout and when it didn't work he sighed and nodded at Gaku to let him know he was coming along.

"Well that settles it. We'll take care of Nanase till you get back Izumi otouto." the silver head exclaimed with a hand on Riku's head.

Iori nodded and looked back at Riku who was looking away with his arms crossed, clearly upset with him. Both Gaku and Ryuu chuckled at the sight. He called out to Riku but only received a angry huff in reply before the red head turned around to stick out his tongue at him. He hid the amused smile on his face with his hand, muttering "cute" under his breath, before coughing into his fist to regain himself, though he still looked amused. 

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