•Ashes Painted Red•

110 17 19

[Black Math- Flesh and Bones]

A faint metallic stench struck his nose out of which drops of crimson kept falling out. The trail of the mesmerizing scarlet caressed his cracked lips, as if wanting to numb his pain with its merciful kisses.
That's all he felt.

Slender fingers tightly clutching onto the satin material of his robe; void of any colours; which had now soaked in an ugly dark liquid, staining it deep red. Dark; like his vision.

His long lashes that cascaded over his pale but unblemished cheeks fluttered like a butterfly with broken wings. Erratic breaths went deaf on the ears which could only hear the deafening dull thumps of a heart trying to weakly keep pumping till it couldn't anymore.

A lone and solitary tear, shimmered in the moonlight, dawning his cherubic face as it trickled its way down his divine visage till it nestled in the crook of his neck, seeking comfort.

Despite being in a state so vulnerable, with blood dripping down his body and tears draining his red cheeks, he looked like beauty incarnated, mocking the Goddesses taking their last breath bathed in the melancholic doom which flowers in the atmosphere as if a chilling whisper of the spirits of the ancients. The cold shivering hue that fell on his snowy skin luminated the hearts of anyone taking in his form. His milky skin glowing like fireflies caught on white flame as his form withers into ashes painted in red.

After tremendous effort, the silver haired beauty slowly lifted his eyelids, glassy vision creating a hazy mirage of an intoxicated state of mind.

. . .

Disturbance caught in his peripheral view and only after slightly and painfully raising his bleeding torso did his ears begin to ring at the shrill screaming that it hadn't noticed yet. But it all seemed like it was underwater or perhaps a dark dream. Or maybe, it was him that had willingly been sucked into the inky blackhole of the freezing void.

His eyes naturally strayed to the tall lady, who's aura radiated the murderous intent on her mind. Long, dark, amaranthine hair that stuck to her forehead in a sticky pool of maroon. She was battling men and women clad in black and the bristling tenors of her body gave away her thunderous rage as she drew her poisonous Ryyk Blade through the bodies of her enemies, the ones who tried to hurt the one person who was her everything and her only source of happiness. The one she would give her life for.
And that's exactly what she did.

During a brief moment of eye contact between the glassy turquoise eyes and the venomous emerald ones, her split lip mouthed just one word.

A word that engraved in the deepest corners of his bones and carved itself onto his soul. That ran through his veins like molten magma, burning him from the inside out and that freed the dam of tears he had been holding back.

Trembling rouge lips, quivering lean fingers, glazed out eyes that screamed a thousand words yet the loudest was pain.

Weak knees propelled him forward without his own command and stumbled upon gravel as he ran, as he ran to save his life, with death crawling up his ankles like thorned poison ivy, trying to keep him hostage. Soft whispery words of temptations swirled in his gut, pleading and begging him to turn back and dart back into the arms that he had accepted as his only home, but he knew.

He knew the arms and the embrace he craved for were being ripped into by the bloody canines of those hounds. And he could not do one thing to prevent it.

So he ran with the last bit of his energy he had left till his chest heaved and his vision slowly blacked. The pain of crumpling on the earth that he was expecting never reached him as his consciousness slipped away right before his fragile body collapsed.

. . .

After what felt like eons, his heavy eyelids softly blinked out into the silvery moonlight surrounding him and his body that rang out in exhaustion had a dull throbbing ache that was drilling into his bones.

A shallow sigh left his chapped lips, that were now dyed red with the dried blood and for the second time since the accident, all he heard was the sound of his loud heartbeats and blood rushing into his ears.

However, the thumping noises were too vivid and clear to actually be his little quivering heart so when he raised his eyes, he was met with a pair of black, shiny dress shoes. Shoes that stood right in front of him.

The owner of the lean legs crouched down to reach his frail slumped body and slowly extended his hand towards his delicate face. The wounded angelic figure laying on the ground was beyond fatigued so even if he wanted to flinch back from the touch, all he could do was keep his eyes teared open just to witness the foreign limb's next actions.

His pretty doe eyes caught sight of an engraving in the tan, honey golden skin which looked like a scythe with soft vines and plants blooming from the hilting and wrapping the deadly weapon all the way up till the tip where the the ink of the plants spelled out "Avronaise" in an elegant cursive.

The last thing he felt was the gentle, yet haunting caress of a single finger that skimmed down his soft cheeks with a ghost-like touch.


Here goes the first chapter, I hope you enjoy it <3

The suggested songs above are recommended to listen to while reading the chapters (sometimes they match with the theme of the chapter, sometimes, it was just the song I was listening to while writing the chapter so obviously you're definitely not obligated or forced to listen to it, just a small suggestion from my side)

~ Bee

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