One Shot

143 12 2

Author's Note:
- Came from my imagination
- Similar scenes from other stories are purely coincidence.
- Grammatical errors


Linmo stepped out of his room at 3 AM, midnight, to ask the other members for instant noodles. He can hear a neighbor's rock concert and another neighbor's R&B music while walking in the corridor.

He then made the decision to first ask his Yuan ge. When he got to Boyuan's room, he turned the door handle slowly, which surprised Boyuan.

"Who's that?" Boyuan was simply lying in his bed, attempting to fall asleep.

"Do you have instant noodles?" Linmo inquired as he opened the door.

"It's 3 AM and you're asking for instant noodles," Boyuan chuckled, "but sorry Momo, I don't have any."

"All well, Yuan ge, good mornight!" Linmo pouted and bid goodnight to Boyuan.

He didn't go to Jiayuan and Mika since they were busy with their own things. He knocked on Patrick's door who refused to let anyone into his room without his permission. Patrick, on the other hand, assumed it was Jiayuan's noise and didn't care to entertain the sound.

Linmo has no choice but to approach members of House A because he is really craving for instant noodles. He moved quietly to the other house, where he was greeted by silence and the faint sound coming from Jiayuan's room.

"How I wish our house was also this quiet..." Linmo muttered.

He paused for a moment to consider who he would ask for his instant noodles.

"I can't ask Nine because of what happened earlier, same as Keyu. Liu Yu is most likely already asleep."

He then proceeded to Riki's room, but paused because he remembered that Riki didn't want anyone to interrupt his sleep. Linmo knocked on Santa's door but received no response. He didn't have an option but to ask the last member from House A, whom he wanted to avoid.

"Are you really that hungry?" Linmo pondered.

However, he also wanted to ask because he's craving for instant noodles. And, deep inside, an excuse to see that person despite his desire to avoid him after what happened during their movie night earlier.


After days of having schedules, Liu Yu suggested a movie night to the other members. They let Patrick, their youngest, pick the genre they would watch, and they ended up watching a thriller movie.

The only people on the sofa are AK and Linmo. The rest of the group chose to sit on the floor.

Left Side - Keyu & Patrick; Santa & Mika
Middle - Liu Yu & Nine (AK and Lin Mo are seated in their back)
Right Side - Jiayuan, Rikimaru & Bo Yuan

It was a well-known fact that Linmo is fond of clinging to AK's arms, which he is doing at the moment. As for AK, he has a habit of tilting his head to the right, which he is exactly doing right now while watching the movie.

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