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You've always deemed yourself normal-looking. You would occasionally dress up a bit, but you knew you weren't one to make heads turn. So, you're pretty surprised when he of all people in the room stares at you in awe.

You think maybe he's looking beyond you, but when you look behind you there's no one there. You freeze in place, not knowing what to do. He's walking your way and you feel nervous. Your palms are sweaty and you're sure you look anything but sexy now. You register that he's saying something.

"Hmm... sorry what?" You say sheepishly.

He smiles, shyly "I was just wondering if I could buy you a drink..."

You stutter "Sorry, I have to go find my friends, maybe another time."

You're not playing hard to get, seriously, you're not. You panicked and that's all you could think of. He smiles at you, transfixed as you walk away. You get out of the club and start heading home.

You text your friends on the way, making up an excuse about not feeling well. It isn't until you're about halfway that you notice you're being followed. You have the pepper spray in your pocket, so you're not worried.

As you turn around, you freeze in place. It's him again.

He's smiling again. "I'm sorry if I scared you off, but you know it's dangerous to walk alone at this time of the night."

"Well, I think I can manage." you say, turning around to continue walking.

"Still, I'd like to walk you home, if you'll let me." He says, walking beside you.

You laugh. "Well, if it's so dangerous at night, then why are you all alone out here? Aren't you supposed to have a bodyguard with you, all things considered?"

"I ditched my bodyguard tonight. And besides, I do like an adventure."

You hum to yourself, smiling. "How can you be so sure I'm not what you're supposed to be afraid of? Is your adventure really worth it in the end?"

He laughs again. "Well, humor me, if you will... Besides, Jared does this kind of shit all the time. I figured I'd be the one to man up for once."

"Ah, so you're rebelling. Good for you..." You don't know when it became so easy for you to talk to him. It's like all of sudden, you're not nervous anymore. You still wonder though. "I do have to ask, Shannon, why me? Why are you following me?"

He shoves his hands in his pockets, acting shy again, although you're sure he's anything but. "You seem interesting..."

You laugh. "Seriously, that's your excuse? I do have to say, pickup lines are getting fancy around here."

He smirks and you notice a glint in his eye. Your heartbeat races, damn he's sexy. "Fine, I suppose I could come up with something else, but I was in the moment."

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