Chapter One

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Hello~ In case you didn't read the description and like to randomly hop into fanfiction and hope for the best, this was a comment on a post on Reddit, asking this to be made into a fanfiction, and so I created just what was asked for.



"Where is Mr. Kaeya?" Asked Klee innocently.
"Why do you want to know? So he can take you to break rules again?" Jean asked with a laugh.
"Nooooo! I just want to see him!!" Klee exclaimed in defense.
"Well, I believe he is in Angel's Share tavern again. But I don't think you should be going in there Klee," Jean stated. Klee looked disappointed.
"Aww man... tell me when he comes back okay.." Klee said hoping Jean would alert her of his return. Jean sighed before smiling.
"Maybe, if he's not in another troublesome mood," She said. Klee smiled at her before walking out of her office.

As Klee left the office, and then the building, heading towards good hunter, she ran past Rosaria, who happened to be making her way to Angel's Share Tavern.

Rosaria entered the tavern, which was almost empty, for once, other than Diluc, who was acting as a bartender as Charles was out sick. There were a few other people sitting down at tables. She had a bad feeling, so she walked upstairs immediately, without even ordering a drink. Kaeya walked out from the back of the tavern.

'Why would Kaeya be in the back?' Rosaria thought. Kaeya walked out from behind the counter, and then sat down in front of Diluc. They were having a conversation, a hushed conversation. Those two usually talk loud enough to be able to eavesdrop from upstairs, but they were whispering. This put Rosaria on edge, not to mention at one point in the conversation, Diluc smiled at Kaeya. This was very suspicious, if you know him you know why. Kaeya was already a suspicious person to Rosaria, a fake one at that. She could see right through his kind humorous facade.

She decided to go downstairs and try to listen closer, however the closest she could get without them seeing still wasn't close enough. So she gave up and decided to confront them.

"What are you two talking about?" She asked with a suspicious look in her eyes.
"Oh hello Rosaria," Kaeya said with his usual smirk.
"I find it to be none of your business," Diluc stated with a stern face.
"And why is that? What's so secret about it Diluc?" She said, she said Diluc's name like it was an insult.
"Now, you can appreciate a secret, can't you?" Kaeya said with a condescending smirk. Rosaria didn't like anything about this, she had a bad feeling, but she knew if she told anyone they wouldn't suspect a thing. They'd just make it out to be a good thing, hey, those two finally aren't at each other's throats!

However there was one person she thought she might be able to tell. Someone who loved experimenting and looking into unfamiliar phenomenon, which she supposed you could probably call this situation. Someone she's wary of, someone she wouldn't normally come to things she's suspicious about to. At the very least, he could make it interesting.

"Hm? Really? Do you suppose they could be up to something? Perhaps planning something? Hiding something? It is likely not anything to worry about, however if it is it would certainly be interesting to look into. I'd like to see how this plays out," said Albedo.
"I knew you'd want to look into it. I'll be doing my own research, if you find anything tell me, but don't let anyone know I'm involved. I don't usually interact with people of your sort," Rosaria stated, not hiding her suspicions of Albedo. Albedo smiled and nodded, and she left his lab.

"How very interesting..." he muttered to himself while writing down a couple notes about what Rosaria told him and her suspicions. "Sucrose!" He called for the timid girl. She quickly came in from the other room.
"Yes Mr. Albedo?"
"Take care of the lab for me. I'm going to be preoccupied with a specific request of sorts that requires investigating rather than experimentation," he stated.
"But Mr. Albedo, shouldn't you leave that to the knights?" Sucrose asked. He shook his head.
"You'll have to trust me on this," he said before leaving the lab, taking his notebook with him. Sucrose sighed.
"But you only just came back from Dragonspine... I can't hold this place up forever..." she said, becoming overwhelmed by how often Albedo is leaving her to take care of things recently.

Albedo put the notebook in his pocket. According to Rosaria she had been in the tavern mere moments before coming to Albedo, so that means she saw the two there recently, and so naturally that was the first place he went. He pushed open the door and was greeted by the strong smell of wine, which wasn't uncommon in Mondstadt. And just like the thought, Kaeya and Diluc were still there. He calmly walked over to the counter and sat a single seat away from Kaeya.

"Hey there Albedo," Kaeya said with a smile. Diluc nodded at him.
"Hello you two," he said smiling back.
"The usual?" Diluc asked, Albedo nodded. Diluc got Albedo his usual drink, which, since Albedo was more serious about his job and wasn't the type to just go drinking, was cider. No. Not spiked cider. Obviously.

"So, what were you two talking about?" Albedo asked.
"Well Rosaria just came up to us asking the same thing, she seemed suspicious. But we weren't talking of anything of any importance, simply our thoughts on life here in Mondstadt," Kaeya replied.

Albedo had often thought about Mondstadt as well. As he had secrets of his own, and always thought of what he would do had those secrets come to light. He wondered if those two could have any sort of secrets regarding the city as well.

"And those thoughts would be?" Albedo asked. He highly doubted they were telling the full truth, but he could tell that was at least some part of it.
"Well, how amazing this place is! It's truly a wonderful home," Kaeya stated with a smile. Diluc nodded again.
"Yes, an amazing place to grow up, this place truly is," Diluc said as he cleaned a glass.
"Amazing indeed. How truly wonderful you both think so highly of this place. You must really love it here, yes?" Questioned Albedo. They both nodded this time.

However the way he saw it, well, it was... odd. Kaeya wore his natural smile but there was something different shown in his eye. You could see it, if you really paid attention. Kaeya was an excellent liar. Only someone with a keen eye, like Rosaria and Albedo could tell when he was bluffing. There was malice in his eye. The same could be seen in Diluc's eyes. They both had ill intent, they willingly lied to Albedo, straight to his face. He found that odd.

They both had seemed so dedicated to Mondstadt, to protecting it. However like Rosaria had said, there was ill will in their eyes. They spoke kindly of Mondstadt only for their eyes to hold traces of deception. Perhaps it was an illusion. Neither of them could actually think lowly of this place? Could they?

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