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A/N: My second Drinny fanfic! My first one is Draco and Ginny's first Christmas together at the Weasley household. I don't think it's as good as this one, but that's for you guys to decide. Anyway, I hope this story is at least half decent. Also, sorry about any punctuation mistakes... punctuation is not my thing (sadly). Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this story besides the plot! Everything else belongs to the wonderful J.K Rowling!

        He paced the jewelry shop over and over again, trying to decide exactly what to get. He wanted it to be fancy, but not too fancy, expensive, and it just needed to be . . . perfect. But what piece of jewelry was perfect for the girl who meant everything to him? Nothing seemed to be perfect enough for her. She was perfect in every single way, no matter how much she tried to tell him she wasn't. She was amazing, funny, kind, smart, beautiful, and he was positive he could keep that list going all day. She never seemed to believe the compliments he told her, but they were all true. Ginny Weasley was everything, and he loved her.

        He loved her . . .

        Draco Malfoy loved Ginny Weasley.

        Running his hands through his hair in frustration, Draco turned back to the case of jewelry. Picking out jewelry wasn't his thing, but he hoped he picked out the right thing. There was too many to choose from, and none of them seemed right. Angry at himself and the jewelry store, Draco quickly walked up to the shop owner.

        "Excuse me, do you have any other options?" He asked, his eyes running over all the other cases to make sure he hadn't missed anything. The shop owner adjusted the black tie that was tied around his neck, then smiled at Draco.

        "Shopping for that special someone?" The owner asked.

        Draco averted his gaze back at the shop owner. "Yes," He replied. This man was already testing his patience. He didn't have time to be asked obvious questions. Valentine's day was the following day and he needed to give Ginny her gift then. He hadn't been able to make up his mind when he had come in last, but now he was being forced to.

        "Look, I don't have time for this. I need something perfect. She's not just a 'special someone', she's more than that. She's flawless, she's wonderful, and I just really care about this girl more than anything."

        The shop owner just smiled and gestured Draco to follow him to the back room. The back room was small, but decorated quite nicely. There was only one glass case there, and it only held a small amount of jewelry. The owner quickly pulled out a silver necklace, Draco was sure that he had never seen anything so sparkly, and he was quite sure that Ginny wouldn't like it.

        "How about this?" The owner asked, holding the expensive necklace out towards Draco.

        Draco upturned his nose in dislike. He knew her, and he knew she liked more simple things. Despite how nice the necklace was, he knew it wasn't just right for Ginny. "No thanks, it's nice, though."

        The owner simply nodded, and quickly picked up a silver and blue bracelet. Most of the bracelet was dark blue, Ginny's favorite color, but the blue beads were connected by a silver connector. It was quite simple, but still elegant.

        "It's . . . perfect." Draco grinned at the thought of giving the bracelet to Ginny. He was sure she was going to love it, and the thought of Ginny happy made himself happy. He couldn't explain it, but Ginny's happiness meant everything to him, and he was quite positive that he'd do everything to make her happy.

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