pArTinG WayS?

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Tan- Tanvi how can you?

How can you just abandon me like this?

Is this what I am to you?

We met after so many years

And you do this?

You stop talking to me?

Is this what I meant to you?

I thought I was your friend

But I don't think you think the same

Ofcourse I was an idiot to assume and expect it

Tanvi : I'm sorry Girija but I never thought of you as a friend

Tanvi: I couldn't bring myself to tell you this earlier but let's end everything here

Ho-How can you say this now?

After coming this far?

*Girija's eyes starts watering, she hastily wipes off the tears. Tanvi just looks away *

Tanvi: I'm sorry but I need to be honest with myself

Tanvi : I can't bear this

anymore, I can't bear you


Tanvi: It has already been tough keeping up with you. You spamming me everyday, bothering me everyday. It's overwhelming

*Girija now scoffs in disbelief and smirks which shows her disappointment*

Would've atleast told me once

Just once

I would've stopped bothering and spamming you that instant

Atleast it would've saved our friendship

*Tears began to well up in Girija's eyes*

*Tanvi sighed sadly after looking at Girija*

Tanvi: See this is what I was scared off

*Even Tanvi is on the verge of crying but she doesn't give in*


If this is what you want

Let's do it

After this night

We won't be seeing each other ever

Even if we meet somewhere pretend you don't know me and I'll do the same

*Girija takes a deep breath and

starts collecting her things*

*Tanvi just stays there seated in the café with cat on her lap, sleeping soundly, watching Girija*

I'll go now

It was nice meeting and having you in my life

Though it wasn't same for you

Goodbye Tanvi

Meet you never

*saying this Girija leaves the café *

*Tanvi watches her leave*

**After Girija leaves**

Tanvi was now just sitting there petting the cat

She smirked to herself

While even her eyes started welling up

She ignored it

She herself didn't know why she did this

Everything was perfect she


Too perfect to be true

So she had to do this

She never once thought she'll
do this

She was waiting for Girija all
her life

And now when she saw her

turning her back and leaving
She got teary-eyed
The cat too got up and jumped

out of her lap

She suddenly felt the lack of
company and warmth
The lack of someone who
cared about her

Then she didn't think twice and
ran back at the door and ran
behind Girija and said she is
sorry and is more than happy
to have her and her spamming
in her life and it's the most
amazing things happened in
her life and that Girija should
stop now and everything would
be perfect only then

Eventually Girija , Tanvi and the
cat back to her lap had their
coffee at the window table in
the Cafe

Author's note-

Admin T :

Well welcome to the spamworld !! Where's the other mf ?? Admin G ?? Welcome others asap:)

Admin G:
I'm hereee! Yeah and welcome everyone. This is something I started when I couldn't sleep at all and admin T just abandoned me by sleeping early ಥ‿ಥ
Anyways these no context scenarios are always so fun to write!!! Hope y'all enjoy it <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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