chapter 1: A mission for the trio

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The castle was quiet but why 5 or more inhabited it. I mean its huge. But come I'm sure you'll hear every conversation that happens here. Suddenly a voice echoed through the halls "KILLER....HORROR....DUST COME ON WE DONT HAVE TIME TO HIDE ABOUT NOW!" The voice sounded familiar like someone you've met before. " I co..could go look for them I.. if you wish" said a stuttery voice next to them. "And why would I send a wimp like you to look for the multiverses MASS MURDERERS" Said the voice again."AND I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME BROTHER"
"I..I'm sorry b..boss but I..I'm su..sure I'll be f..fine l..looking for them" said the stuttery voice waiting impatiently for a reply from the big boss."Alright but you have 5 minutes" they said shooing him away. "Don't worry ill be back soon" he said already running down the first hallway he seen.

What seemed to be millions of hallways and alot of shouting their names later....
'Ugh where are they It feels like I've been searching for hours' "KILLER......HORROR............DUST WHERE ARE YOU! Shouted a out of breath voice. "Dream we're over here" shouted a voice that seemed to come from a skeleton at the corner near the next hallway. 'Ah finally hope boss won't be mad I took so long'. Dream ran up to the skeleton as they took him to a room where another skeleton was hiding aswell. "Wait there's only two of you where is killer" asked impatient for answer as he knew if he didn't get back to boss quick he would be in deep trouble for letting him down. "Why so impatient Dream he'll be back soon" said the other skeleton hiding in the corner. "Bu..but he n..needs to back three ha..have a new mission." Said Dream stuttering again in the face of the skeleton in the corner. "Ah so the bosses brother likes to give order when he couldn't even defend himself properly in a fight against boss so let's see how long he can last against me" said a voice from the corner. Dream without hesitation ran towards the exit of this little pocket room. But. Bones blocked the way. He didn't even notice this. " is th...this possible I didn't even h..he.hear them" Dream stuttered as he fell over and crawled back towards a wall. "No need for you death." The skeleton Said as he pulled a shiny object out of his pocket. He walked out into the light."do you need our help killer" asked the skeleton that brought him here. "No dust you and horror can go see what boss wants" replied killer. Dust and horror teleported out the room into throne room. "So now we're alone....ARE YOU READY TO HAVE A TERRIBLE TIME?"
Asked killer grabbing dreams throat and lifting him up. Killer lifted up his blade to exactly where the monster soul would be. "W...w..w.wait you d..don't h..ha.have to this w..we can it o.o.out" stuttered Dream almost bursting into tears. Killer pulled his blade back ready to stab. The light reflecting from the blade blinding Dream. Killer smiled. And went in for the stab. Dream screamed at the top of his lungs "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". Suddenly stab. Dream seemed to have blcked out from the experience. But as soon as he awoke he was laying on the floor.....alive.... Dream was confused he looked around and seen blood but it wasn't his. He got up and seen killer knocked out on the floor in a blue bone trap so he can't move. "Finally awake eh" asked a voice. Dream looked around from where that would of come from but couldn't see anyone. "W...where are" Dream asked back. Another skeleton came into the light "Hello dream" he said.
"C..Cross I thought didn't get ba..back till" stuttered Dream back about burst into tears again. "Well I was supp..." he sentence quickly ended when Dream jumped into him. "Ugh where am I?" asked killer.
"Wait don't move yet" replied cross make his blue bone trap disappear. "Wait why..." Killer was question was stopped when cross gave him a stare.
"Well I guess you two are wondering why I'm here." Dream and killer both nodded..


"BOSS IM BACK" Shouted cross
"UH SURE" Replied cross walking around hoping to find Dream quickly as he was tired.
Suddenly a scream echoed through the hallways."AHHHHHHHHHHHH". Cross knew exactly where he was just by hearing the scream. Cross ran as fast as he could to the little side rooms. A bone wall seemed to block the first one. So he teleported inside. To his horror killer was about to stab Dream. He ran infront of Dream as he got hit by the stab. He then proceeded to punch killer in the gut and while he was on the ground he punched him in the face.

"And that us what happened" finished cross.
"CROSS WHERE ARE YOU!" Shouted the boss.
"WE'RE COMING DONT WORRY" Replied cross grabbing Dream and killers hand and teleporting them to the throne room. "Finally right now to the mission you need to kill the bad time trio they're stuck In a loop and your gonna help them get out of it....oh and Dream your going as well as part of your training you need to stop the human from coming inside the hall kapice" finished the boss
"B..but wouldn't th..that mean co..con.continously k..killing them I ca..can't do th..that it g..g..goes against my o..oath" replied Dream
"Dream when you in my castle and doing deeds for me ylu oath is not gave a fuck about" Replied the boss giving Dream a angry sorta stare.
"Y..yes boss" said Dream sadly.
"Good now away we go" the boss said as the murder time trio was teleported out of his sight.

Continues in chap 2 coming soon but not at the weekend.

Murder time trio the start of the killers (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now