The Player <3 [Prolouge]

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Title: The Player

By: Morgan Meade


I am just sitting there on my second Monday of after school. Little old me. I am only eleven years old, already in my first year of middle school. I don't really know anybody, and most of the people in the room with me are eighth graders. Little am I to know that by the end of the year, two of those eighth graders are going to become my basketball mentors. My dark brown curly hair is up to just under my shoulder blades, and my dark brown eyes scanning my competition in the room. A lot of pretty girls, but not many Hispanics. My tan skin stood out amongst the girls.

I am still looking around, when I realize that everyone is staring my way. I look up to the front of the bland gym and I realize that the young gym teacher is looking my way. He has spiky dirty blonde hair, and sea foam blue eyes. He has five o'clock shadow on his chin and he's wearing a bright purple hoodie. His jeans are tight and his black v-neck is making a slight appearance from under his hoodie. His skin like cream and roses. "Come here," he says.

So I get up slowly, my five foot frame bringing itself up to full height, and saunter over to the front of the room, everyone still staring at me. As I am walking I hear the gym teacher's voice say, "Set up where you want to play."

All of the other kids, around me get up and I am left standing in front of the gym teacher. The other gym teacher a fairly middle aged man, gets up from his seat and walks over to the closet next to where I am standing with the other gym teacher.

"What do you want Kevin?" I ask the gym teacher who called me over.

"Is that any way to talk to your step-father's best-friend's son?" he asks me, fake offended.

I laugh in his face and he laughs with me. The other gym teacher looks in our direction oddly. Kevin the younger gym teacher, and I have grown up together, for most of our lives. He was eight when I was born and even with the large age difference we always got along. He is always taking me out to hang out with him and his friends. He is like a big brother to me and he always takes care of me. He helps me with all of the subjects in school that I need help with and we always have sleep-over's at each other's houses.

"You're parents want me to drive to drive you home today, okay?" Kevin asks.

I nod my head and then Kevin gets up.

"Is there anyone here who wants to verse Mr. Brian, myself and Evangeline here?" Kevin asks loudly from next to me.

The whole yellow gym is pretty much quiet with the large metal lights shinning down on us. The five basketball courts on the half of the gym in which we are standing are all filled, and the center group, a group of four boys is raising their hands. Kevin nudges me forward, while Mr. Brian hands out the balls and other equipment. "Okay, Evan, don't fail me now," Kevin says almost under his breath. I nod and a smile slowly forms on my face as I look at the slightly intimidating group of taller eighth graders in front of me. I wasn't afraid though, I wanted to face them head on with Kevin and Brian at my sides.

Dear Readers,

I guess I am writing this story becasue I can't get this guy out of my head. The people are actual people that I know and I guess this story is just about the way I wishthings would have happened, but they didn't and life goes on. I dedicated this story to my best-friend and "twin" (not really but we call each other that) becasue she knows who I am talking about.  :)

So Comment and Vote Please! I am working on the next chapter already and until I get at least three votes, I am not updating.( I need motivation otherwise I can't write, so vote!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2011 ⏰

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