snowy camp

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you were walking near albedo's camp, gathering frosted flowers when you noticed he has returned to his place. you got a bit happy to see him so you started walking towards him with flowers in your hand. he greeted you with a warm smile and picked the flowers from your hand touching it during the process. "your hands are cold, do you want my gloves?" he asked. you replied that it's okay, but albedo still proceeded to give you his gloves. smiling at the gesture, you two talked about flowers and his experiments for some time until it didn't get dark.

by now you noticed the weather has gotten colder and the sky darker. albedo noticed too and suggested you two go in his "shelter". you slightly laughed at how he called his home, but still agreed to the invitation. he took you by the hand and walked you to his place. he was more than happy to know you're there with him.

once you've arrived, you took off your coat, along with your gloves and shoes. he gave you a pair of fluffy white bunny slippers, kissed you on your forehead and smiled. "you can sit down in the living room, i'll prepare tea for us. what kind of tea would you like?" you told him your preferred tea as he nodded his head and slowly walked to the kitchen. you found your way to the living room. the kitchen was pretty close to it so you could still practically hear or see albedo.

the living room was nice, the whole house had a comforting atmosphere to it. although paint and lab stuff were all around the house somewhere, it wasn't necessarily messy. albedo has returned with two cups of tea soon enough. he put them down on the table and sat down next to you. "make sure to not burn your hands when you'll be drinking it."

albedo was so caring. he always smiled at you and made sure you're okay. you assured him you'll be careful and he turned on the tv. "are you perhaps cold? it's not the warmest here in dragonspine." he reached for his sweater that was on the couch and gave it to you. with a bit of hesitation you refused and told him to "put it on you himself". albedo got a bit startled but decided to give in.

he came closer and told you to raise your arms up. you tried being playful, told him no, which leaded into a long sweater "fight". after he managed to put it on you he relaxed again, and you just sat there grinning. "you better not be cold after this."

"what would you like to watch? do you have a favorite movie or just anything in mind?" he asked.
you replied with your favorites and started discussing weather you should watch that, his favorites or anything you two agree to.

you both got to the topic of "horror movies". "do you like them? i find them quite amusing." he said. you replied and he carried on the conversation. as it went on you looked outside the window and saw something move. it wasn't small, a bug or a leaf. it was a shadow. it startled you since you two were about to watch a horror movie for "fun" and you just saw a shadow pass the window. good thing the curtains were closed.

albedo noticed and said "haha, no need to be scared already." "i'll be fine" you replied.

the movie was playing, you two were nuzzling, holding hands and drinking tea, until the screen didn't pause and all you heard was a knock on your door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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