The Move - 1

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!! BEFORE YOU START READING, Please note that this is set in a different universe to the dsmp and all of this is their canon-self and not their real self. PLEASE ONLY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, THANK YOU!!

George trudges to the light grey Mazda his pillow with a star-wars cover he had ever since he was 6 and a matching star-wars doona in the other arm. His hands filled with his phone and earbuds.

The mute grey Mazda sits in the lifeless garage filled with moving boxes stacked on top of each other. George slides in the backseat of the car and slams the car door. He plugs in his white earbuds and clicks shuffle on the playlist his best friend Niki made him before he had to leave. 'Boys will be Bugs' started playing. Niki had to put some Cavetown in the playlist.

His father and mother scurried to the car. "I told you this would be a bad idea!" his mother argued. "Susan, It's fine! We'll get there by..." the old man looked at his watch. "3 in the morning" His father sighs. George grabs his pillow and places it on the door, he then leans on the pillow, grabbing the doona and pulling it over his body. Though it is 6pm, he has been packing his room up for the move and thus becoming exhausted. Before he knows it, he's out like a light.

The car arrives at a grand castle, littered with bats, moss and spiderwebs. The sky is dim and grey clouds scatter across the ash grey sky. George gets out of the car and ambles towards the haunted house careful with every step he takes, he reaches the front door. It creaks opens and George stumbles in. A staircase stood in the middle of the creaky boards. An urge pulls him closer to the stairs and makes him climb them. A gut feeling makes him turn around to go back but he gets drawn towards a ladder leading to an attic. George struggles up the steep rope ladder. George peeps around the attic and spots a blue pulsing light.

There stood a man. Around 20ish. Yellow sweater. Brown hair. Grey Skin. He turns around. George recognizes him but can't put his finger on it. "Oh hello!" The translucent man says, his voice echoey and breaking. "Remember, when you wake up, visit the attic in the barn" the ghost says. "Come on friend!" The man tugs on a lead to bring a blue ghostly sheep toward him.

"George wake up" A distorted voice calls "wake up, wake up George" the distorted voices overlap. The voices call from every direction, every coordinate.

George's heart races. His breath cant be traced. Sweat runs down his face. "Is this a dream?!" his inner thoughts yell. He looses balance of the rope and falls. Falls down the flight of stairs into a void. Spiraling down a rabbit hole of memories.

George jolts awake. Adrenaline bursting through his body. He wipes his eyes not realizing that he had been crying in his sleep. He looks out the window. It's pitch black except for the headlights pointing to the road. He looks at his phone. 3:27am. Knowing George, it wasn't rare for him to sleep for hours upon end with the occasional nightmare.

The car halts to a stop in front of a large gate looming over the relatively large Mazda. Suddenly, with a click of a button, the gate squeaks open. "Welcome home" His father laughs. His mother heaves her head off the window, rubs her eyes and smiles. "Welcome home" she repeats.

The car continues on after the grand, white gate has opened. The Mazda drives through a large green metal archway but if you look closely, it's leaves! The archway holds scattered roses of all colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, purple and white. There's also some multi colored flowers like green and blue roses! Personally, George's favorite rose is the green and blue ones, there's just something about them that George adores.

The playlist shuffles and 'Sweater Weather' plays.

The car heads up to the hill. "Is that our... house?" George points to a small cottage sitting next to a large mossy brick wall. "No, why would we move out here to live in a tiny cottage like that?" His father replies. "That's where we're living" his mother points to a large chateau. It looks exactly like the castle in George's dream, minus the cobwebs and bats. The moonlight shines over the chateau making it beautiful, picturesque and perfect.

George swings around his satchel and places his phone in it. The car stops on some gravel in a parking lot outside the castle. George staggers out the car and goes inside. "Huh, its already furnished"  George thinks. "Its the exact same castle as in my dream" George heads upstairs "Honey, Your room is last room on the left!" His mother calls. George strolls towards his room and opens the large door. And wow. It looked... astonishing!

(This is a reference picture of what the room would look like for all those visual readers and cause I'm too lazy to describe the room

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(This is a reference picture of what the room would look like for all those visual readers and cause I'm too lazy to describe the room.)

George goes over to the bed, gets under the covers and takes out his earbuds, turns off his phone and drifted off to sleep

(871 words <3)

(Edit: Why the frick frack diddly dack paddywhack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac did I make it a pretty princess bedroom)

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