MHA Rewrite #4: Diamond vs. Ultimate Nomu *SEASON 4/5 SPOILERS*

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(Sorry to disappoint anyone, but the ending for this ended up being much fluffier than I thought it would. I just didn't have the heart to kill off my favorite OC. And as much as I love reading/writing fight scenes, I can't break Dabi's heart. I love him too much.

As usual, I love all my real ones/Homosexual Supporting cast members/patient and supportive readers! You guys are the reason why I'm still here and writing on Wattpad. Never forget how much I appreciate all of you.

On that note...if you want to read this one shot, go for it! Let me know what you think, but please don't be a jerk. If you want to skip this drabble, that's more than okay. You never have to read anything you don't want to in this or any of my other books.)

Diamond vs. Ultimate Nomu


Jaclyn Perry felt her heartbeat stagger in her chest as she stared at the gigantic creature battling it out against two familiar faces. She didn't always get along with Hawks and Endeavor, but her brown eyes twinkled at seeing them doing something noble. The real heroism that made her want to be in Japan in the first place. Almost out of impulse, the American woman sought out to support the two heroes; despite their usual encounters.

Rescuing an entire city, huh? She thought. "Not without me, you're not!" The antihero wielding two quirks, Diamond, huffed and sprinted. Her breathing felt unstable as the battle between Hawks, Endeavor and the giant Nomu grew closer-

The ravenette's vision blurred as someone tackled on top of her and the sound of a damaged car clamored further away than it did seconds before. "Touya?" She whispered cautiously. They agreed on mutually striving to keep his secret as long as he wanted her to. Jaclyn's nose worked inconsistently, but even she could recognize the villain's scent. She felt a shock as the faintest odor of cigarette smoke flooded her nose. "Princess?" Dabi's voice tingled in her ears as she opened her eyes. "You're okay..." Jaclyn cooed softly and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"We have to get you out of here, it's not safe." Touya insisted and dragged her into a nearby alley. The pair stepped further into the shadows until no one could see them, fumbling for each other's fingers. "I have to stay and try to save these people, Touya. It's my job." She argued sternly, squeezing his hand. "You don't understand, princess. I've lost too much in my life, I can't...I can't lose you too." He confessed as the two stared at each other. "Wait, you're still with the League...and the giant Nomu is here too. So that means, this is your fault! People are terrified and at so much risk of dying because of you! Touya, why?!" Jaclyn concluded and buried her head in his chest. "I have a job too, princess. I'm sorry..." Dabi apologized.

"I can't believe this..." She muttered as her eyes started to water. "We aren't going to actually fight and attack each other with our quirks and shit over this, right?" Dabi asked tentatively. Tears dripped down Jaclyn's hero costume. Her heart wrenched as he gently tilted her chin up to face him with one finger. "No! Of course not. I have to keep my energy up and focus on whooping that thing's ass, not you. I..." She trailed off weakly as he pressed his lips to her forehead. "Please, I'm begging you. Don't go out there." Touya murmured. "Touya..." Jaclyn trailed off with a sigh.

"If you care about your life, your family in the states, the Femmes, the U.A. kids, the, you'll leave the Nomu alone. I know firsthand that if you go after that thing, you are going to die. I can't let you sacrifice yourself like the selfless idiot you are, baby. I need you here, with me." Touya pleaded, his voice cracking before he kissed her in a passionate rush. Jaclyn immediately reciprocated and jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist. "My family..." She mumbled wistfully as they parted for air. Her tears smeared onto his face. He frowned at the predicament she put herself in. The fire wielder knew all too well how difficult it was for her to make decisions in situations like these.

"You can't leave your family behind, princess. Please, just let my bastard father and Hawks deal with the nomu. Okay?" Dabi begged. She relaxed her back against the wall and slowly nodded after a few moments. "You have a solid argument. I have so much life to live...and I can't throw all that away yet." Jaclyn answered hesitantly and wrapped her arms around his neck, gently nestling her fingers in his dyed black hair. "I love you so fucking much, princess." He confessed more affectionately than usual. "I love you too, baby." She cooed back and pecked his lips.

"Wanna get some Mexican food? My treat." Touya offered with a smirk after a few silent moments of them just being in each other's arms. "They have Mexican Japan?" Jaclyn raised a brow. "We have you, right?" He teased. "Sure, sure." She giggled as the battle raged on in the distance. The metal worker carefully unraveled her legs and stood next to him. The two wandered down the labyrinth of alleyways, holding hands.

"You really had me worried there, princess." Dabi told her, softening his voice. "You have no idea how many times I've worried my parents. If I had a dollar for every time I did, I'm pretty sure I'd own a yacht or two." She joked reassuringlyy. "They sound amazing every time you talk about them." He murmured sincerely, "Better than mine." Jaclyn scoffed. "No family is perfect, okay? And I'm more than happy to share mine with you, I just need some time to prepare them. I want my favorite people in the world to get along." She insisted. "Yeah, that would be nice." Dabi agreed.

"Nicer than me taking a day off for you?" Jaclyn giggled. "Anything with you in it is nicer than whatever I have going on." Touya remarked, earning a kiss on the cheek. "This Mexican food place has to be good, or you owe me mochi." She argued lightheartedly. "I'll buy you all the mochi you want, baby. As long as I can pay for it." Dabi answered, kissing her hair as they wandered away from the noisy fighting.

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