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'Boom'. " AH!! What the f^ck happened!!" You woke up worried. And to your surprise, there was a tall man dressed in a weird costume, he had red hair, and golden eyes. He looked like a clown.

"Aaahh!!!" You screamed.

"WHO THE F^CK ARE YOU?!!" You cried while shivering. "HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE?!!"

You were so scared because you already hated strangers, but when you looked at his hair and clothes you immediately thought about HISOKA MORROW. He looked just like him and even prettier. You thought that it might be someone cosplaying him to get your attention, then kill you and steal everything in this house.

The man took a step closer to you, then said

"Are you scared, young lady~?"

You were so fucking scared.

"Don't you dare come any closer to me! You creep!!" You said pointing at him.

HISOKA'S THOUGHTS: 'Why does everyone call me a creep?' TT^TT


"And what are you going to do if I come closer, sweatheart~?" He said in a pervert tone.

'sweatheart? EWW!' you thought, 'what TF does this man think he is to call me sweatheart?!'

"Hey! Who do you think you are to break into my house and call me 'sweatheart'!"

"And do you think this cosplay will make you look innocent?! I can tell you're as scary as HISOKA though. Now if you don't get out I'll call the police!"

"Go ahead~. I'll have more fun playing with them~".

"Now can you explain how you know my name, young lady~?"

"I'm being serious, if you don't leave this hou-!?"

Before you knew it, he was standing right in front of you without you noticing, grabbed your phone,
threw it away. Then he cornered you against the wall with his hand next to your head, looking seriously angry.

"I'm the one being serious here.".


Thank you again my friend for reading this. I hope you enjoyed reading it and I know it is so short, please just ignore my lazy a$$.
BYE BYE my friends have a good day/night. \(0< 0\)

☆ʜɪsᴏᴋᴀ ᴍοʀʀοω 𝕏 ғᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ♤Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora