Another Year of Hogwarts

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I got off the train, excited to be back at Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Clara!" A Scottish voice yells.

I turn and see Oliver, my best friend.

"Hey Oliver, what's up?" I ask.

"Did you see the quidditch list I put up yet?"

I shake my head no.

"Well," he says smiling, "not only are you a Chaser again, but you'll be Co- Captain with me."

I was fan girling on the inside. Spend more time with Oliver!? Brilliant!

Ugh what am I thinking? I'm not usually like this, so my brain must've turned to mush somehow.

"Earth to Clara?" Oliver says, snapping his fingers.

"Oh yeah! Brilliant!" I say.

He smiles.

Merlin he has a nice smile.

"Well, I'll see you in the Great Hall yeah?"

I nodded and we said goodbye to each other.

"Awe you guys are so cute!" My best friend Abigail said. I rolled my eyes. She has honey colored hair with pretty green eyes, dimples, etc.

"For the last bloody time, we are not a couple!" I growled. Abigail just laughs.

"Ah ah! We know that you like him, so therefore, you my poor girl, are in......the denial stage." My other best friend Mia said.

She has curly black hair with blue eyes, also dimples, slim waisted....while I'm dirty blonde with brown eyes. We are also all Gryffindor. People like to say that I have beautiful eyes, but I honestly don't think so.

"I'm not in the denial stage! Pssh." I muttered.

"HAH!" Mia said.

" 'HAH' what?" Abigail mocked.

"She just bloody admitted it!" This girl.

"Oooh look who's coming straight for you Clara? Here comes our best friend Oliver!" Mia added. I looked to see if it was him, but it wasn't.

"That's not Oliver you git, that's Ryan Hills. He's in our year but in Hufflepuff. Besides, he just talked to me not too long ago, and he's in the Great Hall. " I said.

Abigail snickered.

"What're you laughing at?" Mia questions.

"You." I facepalmed. 3...2...1.


"Ms. Waters, Ms. Sommers! What is the meaning of this!?"

I smirked.

"Uh oh, it's professor McGonagall." I teased.

"Professor, I-" two voices said in unison before the awesome Professor cut them off.

"Detention! Both of you! 7:00 tonight, my office." She suddenly noticed me.

"Ms. Rose." She said in passing.


I laughed as the girls grumbled when we were in the Great Hall.

We sat down with our fellow Gryffindors.

"Hey, what was that about? I heard yelling. It was scaring the first years." Oliver said.

"Oh, just Mia and Abigail fighting, which resulted into getting a detention from McGonagall." He laughed. Then it was time for the sorting.

"Abbot, Hannah!" She calls out. I see a small girl running up to the hat.

"HUFFLEPUFF." The hat declares.

"Granger, Hermione." I see a bushy head girl sitting down on the stool carefully.

"GRYFFINDOR." we were clapping so hard, other tables were annoyed.

"Potter, Harry." Wait a bloody minute- HARRY POTTER GOES TO OUR SCHOOL?

I can see Harry whispering to the hat until it finally yelled out, "GRYFFINDOR!" We all clapped, happy having a practical celebrity in our house.

"Weasley, Ronald."

"That's Fred and George's little brother." I say to Oliver.

"Gryffindor!" It says almost immediately.
We clapped yet again.

As they sorted out the rest of the names, Olivers hand accidentally brushed mine as he was picking up his pumpkin juice. I blushed, and it didn't go unnoticed by the girls.

"Before we all eat this fabulous feast, Mr. Filch, our caretaker, would like to remind you that the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds, and so is the third floor corridor. Dig in!" Dumbledore said.

We all eat, and we go on up to bed.

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