the forest

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The weather was cold, winter's snowflakes falling from above littering the vast ground with a soft white blanket. Thud! the rapid stomping of a deer's hooves forming little prints in the snow as it dashes through the never ending forest. Quickly following, a tall, agile figure rushes it but stops, realising that the deer had made it's escape. The figure looks around, hoping for a sound, he pulled out his bow, and placed an arrow with a golden feather on the end, and waited. He looked around his eyes moving from place to place, when the figure heard a rustling in a nearby bush, he darted forward and shot the arrow, watching as it elegantly soared through the air and into the bush. Almost immediately after, the forest was filled with the screams of an injured animal, he ran over to find the deer on its side with the arrow imbedded within its blood stained hide. The figure pulled out his knife and knelt beside the poor creature and said in a calming voice,' Don't worry, ill take away the pain' and placed the knife to his throat. The cloaked figure hesitated, noticing the scared twinkle in the deer's eyes, but it didn't matter, he once more readied the knife and slit the deer's throat.

 The figure whistled, and not long later, the clattering oh hooves once again filled the air, but this time it was a majestic black horse with a beautiful mane, it stopped next to the figure and he stroked its hide. Then he went back to the deer, who's blood had started staining the snow, he removed the arrow and placed it back into his quiver, then picked up the deer and placed it onto the horses back. He mounted the horse and patted its neck and the horse started trotting through the seemingly endless forest.

He was still going through the snow littered forest when he heard a rustling in a nearby bush, he put the horse to a halt and hopped off. He once again pulled out his knife and slowly made his way to where the sound came from, when he got to the bush he used his free hand to move some of the leaves. it was just a rabbit, he sighed, then the rabbit bounced onto his lap and then ran off into the forest. he put away his knife and was about to get back to his horse when he heard something coming. instinctively, he pulled out his bow and readied an arrow on it. Then he heard a laugh,' you never miss anything do you young man, or should I say, Prince Ben' Ben turned around, staring at a short fat man with a fur cape, his armour barley holding his figure together.' octavious' said Ben,' my father's favourite general, out of all the kingdom's soldiers, I hated you the most' Ben's voice was cold, his blue eyes glaring at Octavious, his bow not moving, still aimed at his head.' Don't worry young prince, the feeling's mutual, but the one thing I don't hate about you is the bounty on your head, turning you in should give me the ability to retire early, now let's make this simple and let me tie you up and turn you in'. Octavious started to walk towards Ben, his belly bobbing up and down for every little step he took. He pulled a rope from his belt and began to unravel it.' Very well' said ben, placing his bow behind his back. He made his way to the fat man and once he was within range Ben ran off to the tree next to him, jumped up at it and bounced off with his feet right behind Octavious and he took his sword and placed it to his neck.' now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way old man' Octavious's face turned white,' so over the few months you've been away, you have picked up a few things, and I've got to say, im impressed'. Ben took the rope from the fat general's grasp and tied his hands.' Now, I'll say it again, the easy way, or the hard way.'

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