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Siren(me) has created a group chat (Siren is not my real name)

Siren: Hello everyone!

Ciel: bhfhhkufsthjgujhgfdrt

Siren: Press the letters to spell things. Like you are writing on paper but typing it.

Ciel: Um, what the hell is this rectangle thing?! And who are you?

Sebastian: Young master? Oh wow, this thing is very interesting.

Ciel: Sebastian?!

Siren: My name is Siren (again not my real name) and the "rectangular thing" is a phone.

Grell: A what?

Siren: A phone. A thing you use for communication, games, research, photos, and videos, listening to music, GPS, and a lot more.

Sebastian: Wow that's very, useful.

Grell: What are these? 😀😁😂🤣😃😍🙂

Siren: Those are emojis. You can use them for expressions and stuff like that.

Ciel: um, ok

Elizabeth: Hello?

Ciel: Elizabeth?!

Siren: Right...I added a lot of people

Mey-rin: Uhhh, Hello

Finny: Hello!

Baldroy: Hey

Sebastian: You three? Shouldn't you be working right now?

Mey-rin: Well, we found these phones..? and decided to see why we have them.

Ronald: What's up! Also, why do we have these?

Siren: To use them for the reason I said phones are used for.

Ronald: Oh.

Undertaker: Well, hello everyone...hehe


Undertaker: Hello, my young lord...hehehehehe

Alois: Helloooo!

Ciel: You have got to be kidding me...

Siren: hehe

Alois: Hai, Ciel!

Ciel: 🙄

Siren: You sure do learn fast. You're already using emojis!

Claude: Hello

William: Why am I here?

Grell: Will!

Tanaka: Ho, ho, ho

Sebastian: Wow, even Tanaka..?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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