Story of The Flood

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The sun dawned on a new day during the beginning of spring. Cosmos, the deity of celestial bodies and the sky, manipulated daylight cycles in an orderly manner. Terran, the deity of earth, and Esprit, the deity of life, were working together to spread beauty across the world in the form of nature.

Before this time, humans had run rampant and caused chaos in the cycle of life, trying to control things themselves. However, the child of Terran and Esprit had grown to the age where they would take charge and assume their role as the deity of humanity, known as Sapient.

The earth itself was still relatively new, and as there were only five deities, not every necessary role could be fulfilled. Oceanis, the deity of water, noticed that the innermost regions of land did not receive enough water to thrive. They then began to seek a solution to that problem.

The solution came in the form of Oceanis' and Cosmos' child, who was only a few years younger than Sapient. They reached the age where they could become a full-fledged deity the next winter. They chose the name Nephil for themselves and from then on was known as the deity of weather.

The first time rain fell, the humans rejoiced. They believed that they had caused it by convincing the deities that they deserved to spread out and conquer all the land. Because they grew boastful, Sapient grew boastful.

Nephil was unbothered by the fact that their existence was still unknown by the rest of the world, and didn't mind letting humanity feel accomplished. However, Sapient grew even more boastful by the day and began to act as if they alone were controlling the weather, even though they could tell that they weren't. They would demand that a rainstorm would come on dry days, or for the sky to clear on cloudy ones. Nephil was happy to fulfill these, since in their eyes Sapient only wanted what was best for humanity.

However, two of Esprit's personal creations, a pair of odd mixtures of different creatures that had been fashioned as pets for the deity to enjoy, began to see the things that their creator's child had been doing. They noticed that it was slowly beginning to take a toll on the weather deity's mental state, although they'd never admit it.

The animals took it upon themselves to talk sense into the young deity, telling them that they should take credit for their work and make their presence known. At first, they didn't listen and things went on as normal. One day, however, the deity of humanity took things too far.

It was a cold, cloudy day on earth and the humans had begun to ask for Sapient to clear the sky for them because although the plantlife was in desperate need of rain, they all wanted to have a day filled with sunshine and warmth. Sapient, who was filled with pride, gestured to the sky and demanded that it cleared for them. After multiple unsuccessful attempts, they grew angry. Sapient demanded to know why they weren't being listened to, and the wrath of Nephil finally emerged. The sky itself seemed to be angry, and lightning flashed across the clouds. The thunder was near deafening and the rain that had begun to fall was harsh and was enough to throw the world into a panic.

Esprit and their animals knew that they had to intervene again, and as they had friends throughout the animal kingdom they went around and saved as many as they could and took them to a safe place. Since humans were the ones to cause this, they abandoned them.

Nephil was filled with regret, but it was too late to go back now. They had made their decision and it had to be done. However, they believed humanity should get a second chance.

They disguised themself as a young human girl and visited earth for the first time amid the panic. They began to cry and act lost and afraid, begging for someone to help them. Most of the humans ignored her and fled for their own safety, but a couple saw her and ran to try and save them or at least comfort them. Seeing that they were the least selfish of the humans, Nephil instructed their parent, Oceanis, to not let a single drop of water touch the two. Nephil took them to safety atop a mountain and brought them all the necessities while the rest of humanity drowned.

When the waters receded, Nephil led the two remaining humans back to the distraught deity of humanity. The weather deity promised never to do this again if Sapient would allow humanity to continue through those two humans and if they remained humble and stuck to their duties.

Thus, humanity could continue and the world became how it is today. Humanity is still messed up, but now they don't usually make a habit out of trying to control the weather.


So that's that. Thanks to anyone who actually read this, haha.

This was fun, so maybe I'll do more rewrites of Bible stories or something in the future.

Have a great day and be sure to take care of yourselves! :)

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